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96S F31h SA rr 6G -559 
Patoaj Alan #2/^ v 

Houe for ScxAh Africa, w.^., 
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968 !5ih 60-00559 

Eg Paton, Alan |250 

Hope for South Africa, H.Y, 

94p* iHus (Books that 


DOD1 D3b?mfl 3 







Published in the United States of America 

in 1959 by 

Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., Publishers 
15 West 47th Street, New York 36, N.Y. 

All rights reserved 

Likary of Congress Catalog Card Number: 59-772? 

Printed in Great Britain in 1959 by 

Taylor Gamett Evans & Co, Ltd., 

Watford md London 



Prefatory Notes vii 

Chapter i Introductory I 

n The Meaning of 'Liberal' in South Africa 6 

in The coining of the Dutch 10 

iv The coming of the British 21 

v 'The Century of Wrong 5 30 

vi The Rise of the Afrikaner 36 

vn No Easy Future 52 

vm Parliamentary and Extra-Parliamentary 

Functions 60 

ix The Role of the Liberal Party 72 

x Conclusion 85 

Important Background Information 89 

Index 91 


1. I have, wherever possible, spelt 'liberalism' and 'liberal* 
without the use of a capital letter. Occasionally, however, 
I have used the capital letter, and the words then refer to the 
more precisely formulated beliefs of the Liberal Party, and 
to one who espouses them. I hope this causes no confusion. 

2. The word 'African* is used in this essay to denote the 
descendants of the original native black population. The 
word 'native* is used only when it is unavoidable, as in 
'native reserves 9 , 'Native Affairs Department 9 , Le. official 

The word 'Bantu' is also, used where it seems necessary, 
but I might inform my readers that Africans, while not 
objecting to the word 'Bantu', used of a language group, 
object to its use to describe the Afiican people. The problem 
is not easy to solve, for while 'African 5 is the obvious 
analogue of 'European*, it will not do when one is speaking 
of 'Afrikaners' and 'EngBsh-speaMog' South Africans. What 
is one to do then? It is extremely cumbrous to enumerate 
all the South Afiican tribes, such as Zulu, Sotho, Xosa, etc. 



THE political power in South Africa is almost entirely 
in the hands of the white people. The exceptions are 
that Africans are represented in the Senate by four 
Europeans, and in the Lower House by three Europeans, 
all of whom they elect; the Coloured people are represented 
by four Europeans, also elected by them. At one time 
Africans and Coloured people who were qualified to 
vote in the Cape Province were on the common roll, and 
voted like everyone else, except that the elected legislators 
had to be white; but General Hertzog and his United Party, 
aided by Dr. Malan's Nationalist Party, were able in 1936 to 
secure the two-thirds majority needed to remove African 
voters to a separate roll, and in 1956 Mr. Strijdom and his 
Nationalist Party manufactured a two-thirds majority by 
means of enlarging the Senate and removed Coloured 
voters to a separate roll 

Therefore today the white population of South Africa and 
South-West Africa is represented by 156 Members of 
Parliament, and the non-white population by seven 
members while in the Senate the numbers are eighty-five 
and four respectively. 

The Indian people are entirely unrepresented. In 1946 
General Smuts and his United Party offered the Indian people 


a token representation similar to that accorded to African 
and Coloured people, as a compensation for restrictions on 
Indian land and property ownership and purchase, but 
before the Indians could use this representation and it is 
doubtful whether they would have^-it was withdrawn by 
Dr. Malan and his Nationalist Party when they came into 
power in 1948. The Nationalists have always regarded 
the Indian population as alien and unassimilable, and intend 
to segregate them strictly, with the hope that this will induce 
them to 'return* to India. The overwhelming majority of 
Indians were bom in South Africa, to which country the 
forebears of most of them were brought by the joint efforts 
of the sugar planters and the Government of Natal, in the 
latter half of last century. 

Also unrepresented are Coloured women, who were never 
admitted to the Cape franchise, and all the Coloured people, 
both men and women, of the Transvaal and the Orange 
Free State. 

That briefly is the present position. Of 252 legislators, 
eleven represent African and Coloured voters, but these 
eleven must also be white. Even these eleven representatives 
are not secure; the Government, in pursuance of its policy 
of establishing local authorities in the Native Reserves, 
will probably abolish the seven Native Representatives 
altogether, and the desire to do so has already been expressed 
in high quarters. 

One could be allowed to wonder if even the four 
Coloured Representatives would be safe. If apartheid for 
Coloured people makes any progress, they may one day 
have their own local authorities; they already have their own 
Coloured Affairs Department. Furthermore, many white 
South Africans find it intolerable to think that four 
Coloured Representatives might hold the balance of power 


in the Lower House. It must therefore be considered 
possible that one day the South African ParEament will 
consist only of white legislators who represent only white 
people. That is the trend, if not the goal, of contemporary 

However, a great number of white South Africans realize 
that this is an unstable position. The two major parties offer 
to stabilize It in different ways. Let us consider briefly their 

At least two policies are adopted by Afrikaner National 
ists. The Nationalists proceed on the assumption that it is 
totally and forever unthinkable that white and non-white 
people should live on equal terms within the same society; 
they therefore waver between two policies. The first is 
called Separate Development, Le. granting equality by 
means of total territorial separation; this policy commends 
itself to ideaHsts and intellectuals. The second is called 
baasskap y and means plainly White Supremacy; Its supporters 
regard total territorial separation as impossible, and consider 
that * white civilization* will survive only if one Is prepared 
to fight for It. At the same time, a krge number of 
Nationalists are able to justify the repressive laws obaasskap, 
because they regard them as steps towards total separation, 
which some authorities suppose to be a goal that may not 
be reached for a hundred or more years. Many Nationalists 
are thus able to live in two worlds, swallowing injustice 
in the one that is here, so that there may be justice in the 
other that Is yet to come. It is what Professor B. B. Keet 
calls the 'pipe-dream*; and It has one striking characteristic, 
in that the more Impossible the realization, the more 
insistently the dream Is called up. 


The second great party is the United Party, which on 
April 16, 1958, secured half of the votes of the country, and 
only one third of the seats. This Party represents the great 
majority of the English-speaking people and a hard but 
dwindling core of Afrikaners who inherit the old Botha- 
Smuts tradition of co-operation and reconciliation. .This 
Party may also be said to have two ultimately irreconcilable 
policies, which are, however, combined in one, under the 
fine-sounding tide, Discrimination with Justice. It is a city 
party, a more sophisticated party, and it believes in ad hoc 
decisions; it believes in a 'realistic' acceptance of present 
inevitabilities, and a 'progressive' adaptation to new events. 
Its leaders are therefore able to promise imaginative leader 
ship to the continent of Africa, while having no political 
or social links with Africans at home. The Party is crippled 
by the necessity to conceal its ad hoc nature from those who 
want racial blueprints, and by the necessity to appear 
liberal in the eyes of the world and conservative in the eyes 
of the rural voter. 

A small party which disappeared at the 1958 election was 
the Labour Party. Its two courageous and progressive 
M.P.s, Mr. Alex Hepple in Rosettenville and Mr. Leo 
Lovell in Benoni, having decided not to join the United 
Party, were crushed by it. The votes polled (Hepple 974, 
Lovell 1696) reveal two important truths; first, the United 
Party voter is not a supporter of progressive ideas; second, 
the number of progressive white voters is small. Compare 
the Hepple and Lovell totals with Brown (Liberal, Pieter- 
maritzburg District, 604), Dey (Liberal, Orange Grove, 688), 
Gordon (Liberal, Sea Point, 1,642), in constituencies with 
approximately 11,000 voters. But another fact must be 
remembered; this was the first time since Union (1910) that 
liberal and progressive ideas had ever been put before the 


electorate. Meanwhile the Labour Party has disappeared. 
This was inevitable; it was an all-white party, and labour is 
nearly all black. 

While the Labour Party has disappeared, the Liberal 
Party has just appeared. Today it is the party least affected 
by the sweeping election success of the Nationalists. It did 
not expect any improvement in the situation. It regards 
Nationalism and Liberalism as the real issue before the 
white voter. It did not expect any notable support from the 
electorate, because it stands for a common society with 
opportunity open to all, a goal unacceptable at present to 
most white South Africans, who have one great fear, namely 
that the white man will be swamped or even ejected. 

Will the goal ever be acceptable? Is white South Africa 
preparing itself to enter the Nationalist fortress, where the 
struggle will be fought out, and to the death? Is there any 
hope for Liberalism, for a common society open to all, 
guaranteeing individual liberty and the rule of kw, or will 
we exchange the rule of white nationalism for the rule of 
bkck nationalism? Even if that did happen, would it not 
still be necessary to champion liberal beliefs? Will bkck 
nationalism be animated by a desire for revenge? Or will 
black nationalism, because it has no fear of being 'swamped*, 
be juster to white people than white nationalism was to 
bkck people? finally, is 'change of heart' a quite non- 
political concept, with no political relevance; because we 
must face the fact that the liberal Party of South Africa 
works for a ^change of heart', on both moral and practical 

These are the questions that this little book will attempt 
to examine. 



IT would first be wise to indicate the special meaning 
attaching to the words 'liberal' and 'liberalism' in 
South Africa. Liberalism in South Africa, though it 
has common elements with liberalism in other countries, 
and though its roots are the roots of liberalism everywhere, 
has nevertheless one characteristic which is especially its 
own, and that is its particular concern with racial justice. It 
is liberal in South Africa to want educated Africans to have 
a parliamentary vote; it is more liberal to want them to be 
able to stand for Parliament; it is even more liberal to want 
all Africans to participate fully in the processes of govern 

It is liberal to want Indian traders to be allowed to trade 
in the central portion of a town or city and it is liberal to 
concern oneself with any injustice done to a non-white 
person. In the first half of last century it was liberal to want 
to protect slaves and servants from the punishments of harsh 

So the word 'liberal* in South Africa has come to have its 
own special meaning. It is possible to use it in other ways, 
including ways more readily understood in other countries, 
but in South Africa such a departure would need a word 
of explanation. 


The word 'liberal' used by a liberal himself has, of course, 
a complimentary meaning. It may mean nothing more than 
that one is a white person who is in favour of the lifting of 
restrictions on non-white people, who is not bound hand 
and foot by racial custom and tradition and who is prepared 
to concede, not only a just ideal, but an increasing measure 
of just practice. In general, white members of the Liberal 
Party are more prepared for change than liberals outside it; 
in general they uphold equality of opportunity and of status 
as between white and non-wMte people, though some would 
insist on a transitional period towards such equality and 
others would proclaim it tomorrow if they could. 

But there are other liberals who are not white persons. 
They are therefore upholding more than the right of non- 
white people to equality with white people. They are 
upholding the rights of all people and are defending what 
have been recognized as man's fundamental freedoms, as 
against kw or police or Parliament or State. Their presence 
in a Liberal organization is of inestimable value, because 
their liberalism springs from a different experience of life 
and therefore enriches the whole. Liberalism, therefore, as 
seen from either of these points of view, is the champion of 
individual man; it is on the alert to defend him from any 
encroachment on his freedom and his rights, it is desirous 
of creating a society in which life may be said to be human. 

Further, the word 'liberal* has for the white enemies of 
South African Liberalism another meaning; it shares this 
further meaning with the words Tiberalist* and liberalistic*, 
This meaning is derogatory and carries the stigma of loose*, 
'careless', 'promiscuous 5 . A liberalise. 9 may for some be 
merely a person who espouses a wrong-headed philosophy, 
but for others he will be a person who has lost his 'own- 
ness*, who in being all things to all men has himself become 


nothing, who has lost kind and class and Identity, who has 
sunk himself in a quicksand of shiftingness, who has no 
longer any pride in being the special man that God intended 
him to be, or in possessing the special language or in having 
the special culture that God intended Tiim to have, and, what 
is more, to preserve, maintain and die for. 

Therefore in South Africa white religious men and 
women can easily bring themselves to hate and despise 
liberalism, and to see it not as the espousal of racial justice, 
but rather as the philosophy of decadence, of people who, 
instead of protecting their c ownness' as God intended, have 
chosen the easy way of indiscriminate mixing. It is therefore 
to be expected that many white enemies of liberalism should 
accuse liberals of careless lives, of sexual promiscuity, or of 
a tendency towards it, and in particular a sexual disregard 
for race and colour. It is also to be expected that these 
accusations against liberals are in the main hurled at them 
by the poorest and least educated of their white opponents.* 

This 'carelessness* of liberals is supposed also to apply to 
matters of religion. Because a person is liberal' in religious 
matters, because he may know and like persons of other 
religions or of no religion, he is assumed to be atheist or 
agnostic or wholly indifferent; but if he is clearly religious, 
then he has clearly become obsessed by the love' of God, and 
has overlooked His majesty, His laws, His ordered creation, 
His decree of *own-sort-ness'. 

Further, in the sphere of religion, the liberal, because of 
his being all things to all men, has deserted dogma and 
fixedness and has become vaguely benevolent, and possibly 
finally a 'mere' humanist. It was for this reason that the 

**When white students of Natal University picketed a Nationalist Party meeting 
and displayed placards-protesting against University Apartheid, they were angrily 
shouted at, and exhorted in this public place to *go and sleep with your kaffir 
girls*. Others of us have had similar experiences. 



Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa, seeking ministers 
for the new congregations formed by the Great Trek, turned 
from Holland in dismay and finally chose their men from 
the Free Church of Scotland. 

The word 'liberal* has a further meaning which is given to 
it by its more radical enemies, and in general this unfavour 
able meaning is attached to white liberals, others being 
regarded as fools and dupes. To be 'liberal' is to these critics 
to be weak and spineless and compromising, or to be 
unwilling to make any real sacrifice for these noble ideals, 
or to be unwilling to face the hard and bitter future of hard 
and bitter conflict (and therefore to be unprepared for it), 
or to be hypocrites who are concerned not with justice but 
only with their own skins, or to be knowingly or un 
knowingly trying to blunt the edge of bkck resistance by 
drawing off fighters into the pavilions of love. 

This essay will attempt to make clear to the reader the 
historical reasons for the particular meanings that the 
word 'liberal* and its derivatives have acquired in South 
Africa. It will attempt to give a brief history of South Africa, 
without which it seems impossible to understand the 
contemporary scene. It will attempt from a liberal point of 
view to examine the present, and even to peer into the future. 
It will examine the position, the function, the achievement, 
the future of liberalism of the South African kind, and the 
considerable challenges that confront it. While not neglect 
ing the contributions of unattached or non-political liberals, 
and while endeavouring to present their view-point clearly, 
the whole essay will be written from the standpoint of one 
who is identified with the Liberal Party, and who thinks 
that the Party best represents the liberal cause. 



BRIEF history of South Africa, especially when written 
by one who is not an historian, may be subject to 
much criticism. There is, however, no other course 
to be taken. We cannot dispense with a history, and it must 
be brief. 

I suppose it is true of all countries that it is impossible to 
grasp fully their politics unless one knows their histories. 
It is I think more true of South Africa than of most; for 
otherwise it is difficult to understand the cold but never 
dangerous relationship between English- and Afrikaans- 
speaking South Africans, or to understand the strange 
compound of fear, disgust, duty, justice and charity that 
is the attitude of the white South African to the non-white, 
and the deep distrust that characterizes the non-white 
attitude towards the whites. 

Nevertheless I shall at the outset apologize for my brief 
historical account, which has necessarily sacrificed detail for 
clarity. But at the same time I shall defend it, for I find it 
reasonably satisfactory under all the circumstances. 

Herodotus, famed historian of antiquity, relates how 
Necho of Egypt, six hundred years before Christ, sent 



explorers down the east coast of Africa, with instructions to 
tircmnnavigate the continent and to return by way of the 
Mediterranean. This they did, returning to Egypt after an 
absence of three years. We suppose that these mariners 
saw Table Mountain from the sea, and that they were the 
first men to do so. 

It was 2000 years later, in A.D. 1486, that the Cape was 
'discovered*. In that year Bartholomew Diaz, sailing for 
King John of Portugal, got as far as Algoa Bay (Port 
Elizabeth), and apparently on his return voyage saw the 
Cape, which, according to some, he called the Cape of 
Storms; but King John, believing that the route to India 
was within grasp, renamed it the Cape of Good Hope. He 
was justified, because in 1497 Vasco da Gama passed beyond 
the Cape, named Natal, visited Mozambique and reached 

In 1503 Antonio de Saldanha actually entered Table Bay, 
and for all we know his was the first ship ever to lie under 
the great mountain. He was almost certainly the first white 
man to climb it, and it was he who gave it the name of 
Table Mountain. 

In 1580 Sir Francis Drake rounded the Cape, and called it 
'the fairest Cape in the whole circumference of the earth*. 
In 1620 Captains Shilling and Fitzherbert annexed the Cape 
for King James, but the King refused to endorse their 

Meanwhile the power of Portugal had declined, and in 
1602 the great Dutch ^stLadia Comgaoy was established to 
trade with India and die Orient. So it happened that in 1652 
the Company found it necessary to establish a refreshment 
station at the Cape, where green vegetables could be grown 
as a means of fighting the dreadful plague of scurvy, where 
the sick could be left for attention and where outgoing sailor s 



could leave letters to be taken back to Holland by the next 
home-going ship. 

The indigenous inhabitants of the Cape were not numer 
ous. They were the Hottentots and the Bushmen, The 
Hottentots were a primitive pastoral people; some of them 
were drawn into the life of the new settlement, either as 
servants or as suppliers of cattle to the passing ships, while 
some of them retreated from these powerful intruders, 
north and north-east into the interior. The Bushmen were 
an even more primitive people; they were diminutive in 
stature, they were notable hunters with poisoned arrows and 
they have left behind fascinating rock paintings in caves. 
When they could not get meat, they lived on wild fruits, 
insects and roots. To them the cattle of other men were 
only another kind of game, and as they had raided the 
Hottentots in the past, now they raided the white man's 
herds and other possessions. The white man's civilization 
was so alien to them that they made no attempt whatever 
to come to terms with it, and so, harried and killed in 
consequence of their raids, they withdrew farther and 
farther into the caves of the mountains. As the white man 
advanced, they retreated still further, into the deserts; today 
few of them are left and they live in the Kalahari, where 
they are protected by the British Government in much the 
same way as animals are protected in the Kruger Park. 

It was not the original intention of the Dutch East India 
Company that the new settlement should become a colony. 
Nevertheless it did not find company farming very $uccess- 
ful, and in 1657 it allowed nine burghers to go farming on 
their own at Rondebosch, but placed them under many 
irksome restrictions. In fact the burghers grew more and 
more impatient of the rule of the Company and began to 
look upon it as an alien authority, with interests different 



from, and in some cases incompatible with, their own. As 
the burghers moved further and further from Cape Town, 
this Incompatibility grew more marked, and it became a 
recurrent factor in subsequent history. 

The Company offered such low prices for farm produce 
that in 1658, in an attempt to lower the costs of production, 
the first Negro slaves were imported from West Africa. 
Thereafter slaves were imported from Malaya also. In the 
Cape, slavery took a relatively mild form, and there do not 
survive in South Africa the terrible stories known in so many 
other countries. It was with these slaves that those Hottentots 
whd stayed in the Cape gradually merged, thus producing, 
with the co-operation of white settlers and sailors, a separate 
people called the Cape Coloured people, who today 
number one and a third millions and speak the same language 
as the Afrikaner people. In the early beginnings, this 
separation of the Coloured from the white was anything 
but hard and fast; van Riebeeck promoted van Meerhof to 
the rank of surgeon just after he had married Eva, a Hotten 
tot woman. But customs changed; as society became more 
settled, such marriages became less and less acceptable, and 
the white and coloured groups grew more and more 
separate. It is hardly necessary to say that as this colour* 
division grew more and more discriminatory, many 
families who were in fact of mixed blood stoutly dung to 
their membership of the white group; it was also quite 
common for a light-skinned coloured person to 'pass 9 , often 
with the help of his or her relatives. 

The white people of the Cape grew slowly in numbers, 
and were strengthened by accessions of German and French 
immigrants, these latter the celebrated Huguenots, who 
brought new skill to a very raw wine industry/ Many of 
them were settled on farms twenty, thirty miles from Cape 



Town. The most adventurous settlers, however, became 
pastoralists rather than agriculturists, and moved further and 
further away, until finally they reached the wastes of the 
Karroo. They were, as we know, already impatient of the 
rule of the Company, and they lived in greater and greater 
isolation from the influences of Europe. Their Dutch 
language changed too, becoming much simplified, and 
adding to itself a host of new idioms influenced by the 
kind of country they lived in and the kind of life they led, 
by the ox, by the wagon, by the loneliness, by the dry 
watercourse and the thorn. This country and this life were 
as unlike Holland and its ways as any country and life 
could be, and the language had to find new words for 
new things and new experiences, and to give new meanings 
to old words. The language was at first .simply called die taal 
or 'the language', but today it is called 4ifcaam."The people 
were called at first the Afrikanders, today simply the 
Afrikaners, people of Africa. No word could show more 
clearly the way in which Europe had ceased to count for 
these pioneers. 

No visitor to South Africa should fail to see the Karroo 
if he wishes to understand an important chapter in the 
genesis of the Afrikaner people. It is a hard country, 
encouraging what are sometimes called the masculine 
qualities, of courage, tenacity, inflexibility, discouraging 
the feminine qualities of gentleness, kindliness and compas 
sion, so that even the traditional Afrikaner mother is first 
and foremost the fierce protectress of the nation and its 

The expansion over the Karroo was rapid. Smallpox had 
almost annihilated the Hottentots, and there was little to 
stop the advance of the trekker, or the trekloer, a,s he was 
called, or even more simply, the boer. The word j^r means 


farmer, and tie word trekboer means a farmer who treks 
about, looking for grazing. The Company tried to control 
this migration, but was not successful; and this hard, free 
life made the trekkers independent and impatient of control 

There was noticeable, even at this early time, a cleavage 
between the trekkers and the city people of Cape Town, 
the first a people of Africa, the second still largely a people 
of Europe. This cleavage was rendered more pronounced by 
the Great Trek of 1836, so that up till today we speak of a 
difference between the Afrikaner traditions of the Cape and 
the Transvaal. By this we mean, amongst other things, that 
the Transvaal attitude towards racial questions is harder and 
more uncompromising, two characteristic features, as we 
have noted, of the scenery of the Karroo. We may also note 
that the healing of this Afrikaner cleavage was due in krge 
measure to the later acts of men like Rhodes and Milner; 
of all the creators of Afrikaner unity, these two were the 

These conditions of isolation and wildness might well 
have led to degeneration, and did in some cases; but 
religion exercised a powerful influence over the people. 
Although the Church, like the Company, found it difficult 
to keep in touch with the trekkers, the Bible was their 
constant companion, and daily scripture reading with 
prayers was a feature of family life. In particular were the 
trekkers attracted by the stories of the patriarchs, which 
seemed most relevant to their hard and lonely life. And who 
could have been nearer to the patriarchs than they them 
selves, as they moved in the wilderness with their flocks and 
herds, with their menservants and their maidservants, 
amongst wild men and wild beasts, with no protection but 
their rifles and their God? One might be forgiven for sup 
posing that the Old Testament seemed far more relevant 



than the New to their frontier life, and that the God of 
Israel was more comprehensible than the Lover of all 

As for the land itself, with its space and freedom, with its 
oases of greenness and coolness amid the heat and rock and 
thorn, to it they gave a fierce and possessive love. How far 
indeed were they from Europe, and how far in this Karroo 
from the thousand waterways of Holland! This horse, this 
saddle, this rifle, this antelope running, this everlasting 
plain, this everlasting sun this was life, yet you would 
find not one hint of it in all the picture galleries of Amster 

About 1770 there were over 10,000 white people at the 
Cape, and about an equal number of skves. Nine-tenths of 
these white people were burghers and about half of them 
lived in Cape Town and in the beautiful valleys beyond 
the Cape Flats. The other half were the trekboers of whom 
we have already spoken. Before their advance the Bushmen 
and the Hottentots had wasted away ; but now they began to 
encounter a new contestant, the Bantu tribes slowly moving 
south, largely in the country below the great escarpment that 
shut off the interior of the subcontinent. This encounter was 
one of the supreme events in the history of the Afrikaner. 
In 1778 Governor van Plettenberg, after consulting some 
petty Xosa chieftains, tried to circumvent it by declaring 
the Hsh River to be the boundary of northward expansion. 
But this arrangement, like every similar arrangement made 
subsequently, failed, partly because there was no black 
centralized government with which to deal, partly because 
both Boer and Xosa were cattle-owners, and were hungry 
for land. The Xosas, though without written language and 
technological skill, were fierce warriors of assegai and shield, 
with a rich language and a notable system of law and 



custom. It is believed that they arrived in what is today known 
as the Eastern Cape Province in the late 1500'$, and that 
they would have reached the Cape of Good Hope in due 
course, had they not now encountered the Boers. 

Van Plettenberg's frontier remained unfortifiedandresdess; 
remote control was now quite beyond the powers of a 
failing Company and a declining Netherlands. Individuals 
crossed the Fish River, either to steal cattle or retrieve them, 
to barter or to work or to hunt. One person's act could 
easily involve all. There was incessant trouble, raiding, 
thefts, reprisals. Sometimes it happened that a fanner 
would return home from a journey to find that his whole 
family had been killed, his home burned and his animals 
stolen. Grim pictures of these events are still to be found on 
the walls of some Afrikaner homes, keeping alive memories 
of the days when white and black were bitter and pitiless 
enemies. The situation had got out of hand; the Boers drove 
Lmdlwst (Magistrate) Maynier out of his drostdy, because 
he was too much of a stickler for die rule of kw. In 1795 
the Boers of Graaff Reinet set up their own republic, 
followed four days kter by the Boers of Swellendam. The 
whole border was in a state of chaos, and less and less did 
the trekboers look for salvation anywhere but in themselves. 

So it was that the struggle to survive on a dangerous 
continent became the main thought of the trekboer's mind, 
the main purpose of the trekboer's life. Like the thorn tree s 
which was to pky a large part as a poetic symbol in Ms 
literature a century kter, he put his roots down into the rock 
and stone, and in the face of all calamity survived. His 
enmity with the black man was bitter and relentless, as was 
the black man's enmity with him. Between white men and 
bkck men, and more still between white men and bkck 
women, there could be no relationship except those of 


300 (British) 

B E C H U 



S U T H -a 



A F R. f C 












master and servant, or of enemy and enemy. The boer 
could only survive by keeping himself apart; only in 
apartheid was there any hope for the future of himself, his 
children and his race. What was more, his command of a 
written language, his superior technological skill, his 
possession of things like guns and wagons and, of course, the 
Bible, convinced him of the inferiority of his heathen foe. 
And now, in September, 1795, the British occupied the 
Cape and inherited its frontier troubles. By now there were 
about 16,000 white people in the Colony and about 17,000 
slaves. Graaff Reinet and Sweliendam reluctantly submitted 
to the new government, not expecting to like it any better 
than the old. The British commander forbade the Boers to 
cross the boundaries. So began the turbulent nineteenth 
century, which General Smuts was to call the Century of 




THE coming of the British to the Cape in 1795 (and 
finally in 1806), was the second supreme event of 
Afrikaner history. It was the British who scattered 
these widely dispersed elements still more widely over the 
subcontinent, and who finally welded them afl together 
again. This is not to deny the Afrikaners' own part in their 
making, but to emphasize the part of the British as external 

It has been said that Afnkanerdom could not exist without 
its enemies, and that these are two in number, namely the 
British and the Bantu. This generalization has all the defects 
of its kind, but conveys a real truth. English-speaking 
South Africans are sometimes startled by the speeches of 
Afrikaner politicians, who bring out the skeleton of British 
Imperialism and set its bones a-jangling, which has the effect 
of simultaneously chilling and heating the electoral blood. 
But there are signs that the skeleton is losing its power, and 
that its place is now being taken by other external enemies, 
for example, world opinion, United Nations, Communism, 
Mr. Nehru, the new American imperialism, British negro- 
philes and, nearer home, the English press and the Anglican 
Church, It is a characteristic of Afrikaner nationalism that 
it needs these enemies, even while it wistfully wishes it did 



not. This ambivalence is strikingly displayed in the govern 
ment's attitude towards Ghana, where genuine pleasure over 
Ghana's independence is adulterated by the realization that 
the Ghanaian is the blood-brother of the enemy at home. 
Thus we have the ridiculous, or rather pathetic, spectacle 
of a black Ghanaian visitor enjoying a hospitality and an 
immunity in South Africa that has never yet been accorded 
to any black citizen of the Union. 

The arrival of the British at the Cape was followed by a 
great expansion of missionary activity. As might be expected, 
the attitude of the missionaries to the Hottentots and the 
Xosas was not the same as that of the farmers; to the mis 
sionaries these indigenous people were souls to be saved, to 
the fanner they were labourers in whose education and 
social advance he was not much interested, though he some 
times took an interest in their spiritual welfare. 

The attitude of the British administrators, though by no 
means identical with that of the missionaries, was never 
theless different from that of the colonists. While nothing 
was done in the beginning to weaken the rights of slave 
owners, yet the rights of both slaves and servants to good 
treatment was confirmed, and the courts were ordered to 
see that such treatment was given. One of the earliest results 
of this order was the famous Black Circuit of 1811, where 
many a white farmer had to face charges of ill-treatment, 
preferred against Kim as a result of complaints from a 
coloured man. One may say that two new ideas entered the 
Cape at this time; or alternatively that two old ideas were 
suddenly remembered, namely the equality of all men before 
God, and the equality of all men before the law. 



So officials, colonists and missionaries lived in an uneasy 
triangular rektionsMp. The officials had to consider the 
difficulties of the farmers, but they had to consider also the 
powerful support in England for the missionaries. These 
missionaries sent back reports to England, some of them 
hostile to the colonists. 

Equally were the colonists hostile to the missionaries. 
Hottentots flocked to the mission stations, where they found 
conditions easier than on the farms. The fanners, as is always 
the case in South Africa, were short of labour, and regarded 
the religious zeal of the Hottentots as so much pretence, 
which no doubt it often was. They were angered also by 
the acts of missionary Vanderkemp who, himself no longer 
young, married a Hottentot girl whose sole possessions were 
two sheepskins and some beads. Times had changed since 
Eva married the surgeon van Meerhof with the approval of 
the Commander. By his marriage this newcomer, this 
uitlander (outknder), had affironted Afrikaner opinion; and, 
what is more, the colonist could see no point in educating 
non-white people for a life that simply did not exist and for 
which they would have been in any case unfitted in his 

There is an important point to be noted here, and that is 
that most of the missionaries were British. This animus 
against the missionaries has persisted in South Africa to this 
very day, and was undoubtedly one of the chief motives 
behind the Bantu Education Act of 1954, which brought 
missionary education almost to an end and refused to allow 
famous institutions such as the century-old Adams College, 
Huddleston's St. Peter's in Rosettenviie and the Methodist 
Kilnerton College to continue as private schools. But while 
these losses are being suffered, the missionary work of the 
Dutch Reformed Churches, once negligible, is expanding 



rapidly; the Afrikaner Nationalist cannot really feel safe 
until even African religion is in his hands. 

In 1815, under this new British rule, a Hottentot servant 
complained of the treatment he had received from his 
master, Frederick Bezuidenhout. Bezuidenhout treated 
the summons of the court with contempt, and a European 
officer with Hottentot soldiers was sent to arrest him. To 
send Hottentots to arrest a white man had never been done 
before. Bezuidenhout fought the party from a cave, but was 
killed. At Ms funeral his brother swore to avenge this out 
rage and he and his friends rebelled. The rebellion was soon 
put down, and five of the men were publicly hanged by 
Lord Charles Somerset at Slagter's Nek. It is not clearly 
known what the reaction of the farmers was to this grim 
event; but in later times the hanged men were looked upon 
as martyrs who had died for die cause of the Afrikaner 
against the British Government, the missionaries and the 
cursed doctrines of equality. Slagter's Nek is to this day 
remembered, one of the great and bitter events of the 
Century of Wrong. 

In 1820 came the first large group of English-speaking 
colonists, about 5,000 in number. Most of the settlers came 
to the disturbed frontier area, and founded the towns of 
Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown. One result of their 
coming was to make the British Government attempt to 
anglicize the Afrikaner Dutch, and English took the place 
of Dutch as the official language. The Dutch landdrosts 
were replaced by magistrates, the Dutch ris-dollars by 
pounds, shillings and pence, and only English and Latin 
were taught in the state-aided schools. This attempt at 
anglicization angered the Afrikaner Dutch, and even today 
the name of the Governor, Lord Charles Somerset, is 
remembered with detestation. 



Another important event of this period is the passage of the 
50th Ordinance, which secured the dvil rights of coloured 
people. This evidence of a further move towards equality 
also angered the farmers. They saw the weakening of author 
ity over the Hottentots; they feared increased vagrancy and 
idleness, and further shortages of labour. 

Then came another important event, the order for the 
emancipation of 800,000 slaves through the British Empire. 
For South African skves worth .2,800,000 compensation of 
.1,250,000 was to be paid, and that in London. Speculators 
visited the farms and bought up the claims at a heavy 

Finally in 1834 there was the Sixth Kaffir War.* The 
Xosas poured across the frontier, burning, destroying and 
killing. The Governor, Sir Benjamin D'Urban, fixed a new 
frontier, the Kei River, which was another eighty miles 
farther north. He proclaimed the new province of Queen. 
Adelaide, and offered protection to all. Just when the 
farmers, who were hungry for more land, were congratula 
ting themselves on their new Governor, the British 
Government reversed his policy, brought the frontier back 
to the Fish River, and declared that 'the Kaffirs had an 
ample justification' for the war. 

This was the last straw for the farmers. They had had 
enough of British government, British missionaries, British 
public opinion. The Hottentots had been granted unheard 
of rights, the slaves had been freed, black men were being 
treated like white men, their whole patriarchal world was 

*The word Icaffir' is the mod: offensive that any European can use of an 
Afriran. It still lingers on in terms such as "KafcWais*, which Africans prefer to 
call 'EtontierWars*. It also lingers on, causing insoluble problems, in names such as 
c fcafikboom* the beantifel flowering tree Erythnna affia. A gardener may use 
this Latin name, or he may use the Zola name, 'rnnigmT, bat very few people "will 
know what he is tallrmg about. ProWem-consoons gardeners refer to it wryly as 
the 'African boom* or 'African tree" ! 

o 25 


tumbling about their ears. So, party by party, beginning in 
1836, they set out north on the Great Trek, climbing the 
mountains onto the great interior plain, crossing the Orange 
River into the grasslands, in the direction of Kimberley* 
Bloemfontein, Johannesburg, Pretoria, all yet unborn, 
crossing east over the Drakensberg into Natal where the 
missionary Gardiner had given the name of Durban to the 
little trading settlement at Port Natal. Among the many 
trekkers, computed to have been over 5,000 in number, was 
a young lad often, Paul Kruger, who sixty-three years later 
was to lead his Transvaal Republic against Britain in the 
Anglo-Boer War. 

'We quit this Colony,* wrote Pieter Retief, one of the 
foremost Voortxekkers, 'under the full assurance that the 
English Government has nothing more to require of us, 
and will allow us to govern ourselves without its inter 
ference in future/ Retief 's English neighbours (for the 
Border was a largely English-speaking area) saw him go 
with regret, and presented him with a Bible to take on his 

It will be seen that there were many causes for the Great 
Trek, one of them being undoubtedly the hunger for land, 
which had been causing expansion incessantly since 1652. 
The Great Trek, though it had spontaneous characteristics, 
had nevertheless been prepared for by preliminary journeys 
made by scouts into the far interior. But undoubtedly the 
deepest cause of the trek was the incompatibility of British 
Government with Afrikaner Boer, particularly in their 
respective views on the vexed matter of race and colour. 
Even today nothing is resented more by the Afrikaner, and 
indeed by most white South Africans, than to have their 
racial policies criticized by European or American; the critic 
is told that 'he has not lived in the country*. If this critic is an 



Englishman, a missionary, an Anglican, Ms criticism is still 
more resented. At times this resentment will go so far as to 
extend itself to the English-speaking South African, who has 
not yet been 300 years in the country, though this argument 
has fallen into disuse since Dr. Verwoerd, Mr. Strijdom's 
lieutenant, came to his present position of almost dictatorial 
power, because Dr. Verwoerd was bom in Europe, and was 
two years old when his father emigrated to South Africa. 

A Voortrekker woman, Anna Steenkamp, sister of Pieter 
Relief, wrote what to my mind is the most important 
statement on the Great Trek. She wrote \ the shameful 
and unjust proceedings with reference to the freeing of our 
slaves; and yet it is not so much their freeing which drove us 
to such lengths, as their being placed on an equal footing 
with Christians, contrary to the laws of God, and the 
natural distinctions of race and colour, so that it was in 
tolerable for any decent Christian to bow down beneath 
such a yoke; wherefore we rather withdrew in order to 
preserve our doctrines in purity/ 

Here was Pieter Retie an upright and respected man, 
obviously one of substance and integrity, and not lacking 
in determination and courage. But to him the liberal idea of 
a common society to which both white and black might 
belong was unthinkable; what was more, it would remain 
unthinkable. For him, as for Ms sister, there were natural 
distinctions of race and colour. It might be said that for him 
race was an immutable category. Apartheid was therefore 
for Mm a morality, a religion, a philosophy, and a politics 1 ' 
all in one. It is necessary to understand this if we are to 
understand present-day South Africa. 

It was a courageous act on the part of the Voortrekkers, 
when they knew so well the fighting qualities of the African 
tribes, to go still farther into the interior. But two things 



favoured them; one was their superior technology, that Is, 
their guns, the other was the state of chaos in the interior, 
owing to the fact that Shaka, the fighting King of the Zulus, 
had set tribe after tribe, and faction after faction, fleeing from 
him and from one another, in directions radiating from 
Zululand like the spokes of a wheel, affecting African life 
as far north as Nyasaland. 

Shaka was succeeded by Dingaan, and when Relief had 
crossed over the escarpment of the Drakensberg into Natal, 
he left a few men and all the women and children encamped, 
and with sixty followers went to see the Zulu king in order 
to make a treaty. Retiefandhis whole party were slaughtered 
by the king, who promptly sent 10,000 warriors to the 
encampment and killed all who were there, at a place there 
after to be called Weenen, which name means weeping. 
The trekkers found a new leader in Andries Pretorius, after 
whom Pretoria was named. On December 16, 1838, after 
having vowed to God to keep the day holy if He would 
give them victory, Pretorius humbled Dingaan's armies at 
the battle of Blood River. It is said that three Boers were 
slighdy wounded, but that 3,000 Zulus were slain. 

Thus December 16 was called Dingaan's Day for more 
than a century, and only recently has its name been changed 
to the Day of the Covenant. It is religiously observed by 
many Afrikaners, but not by English-speaking South 
Africans, who, until prevented by a growing uneasiness 
(partly caused by the increasing power of Afrikaner National 
ism) and finally by law, used it to hold race-meetings and 
cricket matches. It is fair to say that the Day of the "Covenant 
means little to the English-speaking South African, while to 
the African, the black man, it gives offence. And indeed 
this is not surprising, for the Day is often used by Afrikaner 
speakers to dwell on the bitter enmities of die past and the 



necessity for continuing them into the future. Nothing 
could show more clearly than the Day of the Covenant the 
terrible divisions of South Africa. 

On December 16, 1938, one hundred years after the battle 
of Blood River, was kid the foundation stone of the great 
Voortrekker Monument, now standing on a commanding 
site on one of the Pretoria hills. The Monument was built 
to commemorate the struggle of Christianity against 
Barbarism, which means, to put it bluntly, the struggle of 
the Voortretkers against the African people. This struggle 
is portrayed, by means of a magnificent frieze in Italian 
marble, in restrained and dignified fashion, but the shrine 
remains first and last an Afrikaner shrine, though it may be 
visited by non-white people on Tuesday afternoons. One 
here records with deep regret that this most sacred shrine 
of Afrikaner pride and piety evokes no more than a cold 
respect from anyone who is not an Afrikaner. The symbolic 
laager of wagons which surrounds the monument and was 
intended to shut out anything that is non- Afrikaner, succeeds 
only too well in its excluding purpose. 




THE battle of Blood River was a decisive event. The 
interior of South. Africa fell to the invader, even 
though only after a determined struggle. Moshesh 
managed to keep Basutoland free, but in 1864 he put his 
country under the protection of the Queen. In 1885 Bechu- 
analand came under the same protection, but the position 
of Swaziland remained ambiguous until 1903, when it too 
became a country protected by Britain. These are the three 
countries often referred to as the protectorates, which the 
South African Government has consistently wished to 
incorporate in the Union; but up till now Britain has 
consistently refused her consent. She is in fact shortly to 
introduce a modified form of responsible government in 

Meanwhile in 1853 the Cape Colony was granted repre 
sentative government, and a non-racial franchise. In 1852, by 
the Sand River Convention, Britain assured the Transvaalers 
that she would no longer concern herself with their affairs, 
and in 1854, by the Bloemfontein Convration, she gave the 
Orange Free State a similar assurance. It is significant that 
the South African Republic (not the only independent 
Transvaal state at that time) was based on a constitution that 
declared e no equality in church or state'. 



The Voortrekkers also established the RepubEc of Natal 
in 1838, but it was short-lived. British traders and mis 
sionaries had been active at Durban Bay and along the 
Natal coast since 1824, and had actually obtained a grant of 
land from the Zulu king Shaka before he was murdered by 
Dingaan. However, the British Government made no> 
move to recognize this settlement until the Boer Republic,, 
in 1841, sent a punitive expedition to the south against the 
Bacas, who had stolen some cattle. Still further south, the 
Pondos, fearing worse to come, appealed to the Cape 
Government, whereupon the British annexed Natal. The 
boers besieged the British in Durban and Dick King made 
his famous ride of 600 miles to Grahamstown in ten days, 
through a wild and unknown country, to ask for reinforce 
ments. As a result of these events most of the Voortrekkers 
trekked back over the escarpment, and Natal, as a result of 
immigration, became the largely English-speaking pro 
vince that it is today, if we consider only its white 
inhabitants. Otherwise considered, it was, and still is, 
predominantly Zulu-speaking. 

Dick King is today a hero, and his statue stands on the 
Esplanade in Durban. Some English-speaking people, 
envious of the Afrikaans periodical re-enactments of 
historic events, "would like to see the famous ride re-enacted 
every May 25. But the truth is that English-speaking people 
are not capable of emulating the Afrikaner's commemor 
ative fervour. 

In 1856 .Natal . became a British p Crown Colony, also 
initially with a franchise not based on colour. In Natal, 
the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, the white man, 
by virtue of his armaments, subdued the tribesmen; he 
allowed many of them to settle on his farms, for the others 
he created areas called Reserves. Today in South Africa*- 


these Reserves constitute about 13% of the total land area, 
while the African people constitute about 66% of the total 
population. TMs remains one of their deep grievances, healed 
to some extent by urbanisation, but breaking out again 
now that the policy of the government is to regard the 
Reserves as the home of the African, and to regard the town- 
dweller as a 'temporary sojoumer* in the white man's 

It is today claimed that the reserve policy was motivated 
by the loftiest feelings. But it will do us no harm to recog 
nize it as a policy of conquer, divide and rule, offering to the 
conquered a restricted life in a restricted area, encouraging 
him to come out of his Reserve to work, and subjecting him 
in the city to a host of restrictive regulations, some of which 
are quite pitiless in their operation. In the towns and 
villages the African people live in locations, their entry and 
departure are controlled, and the legislation which governs 
their lives is open to manifold abuses. It is only in recent 
years that the conscience of white South Africa has become 
increasingly troubled by the squalor of the locations, and 
more has been done to improve the material conditions 
under the present Nationalist Government than under. 
any other. But the vicious laws remain.* 

On the whole, relations between the British and the 
Boers began to improve after the Great Trek, and they 
might have gone on improving if a trader called "O'Reilly 
had not seen the 'pretty Orange River stone' at the home of 
Mr. van Niekerk in 1 866, in the dry country near Kimberley. 

*An African boy, Iving with ins family in a location, may on attaining the age 
of 16 be ordered by the Location Superintendent to return to the place of his birth. 



The Boer republic of the Orange Free State claimed this 
area, under the Bloemfontein Convention of 1854, by which 
the British guaranteed the independence of the country 
between the Orange and the VaaL But a Griqua chief named 
Waterboer also claimed the area, and when he applied to 
the British for protection they annexed his territory. In 
1876, in the light of further evidence, the British Govern 
ment paid the Orange Free State an amount of 90,000 in 
compensation, but the damage had been done. 

Meanwhile the other Boer republic, the Transvaal, almost 
bankrupt, was seriously threatened by disturbances in the 
large reserve of Sekhukhuneland. With this as reason, but 
no doubt with the further intention of achieving the unifica 
tion of South Africa under the Union Jack, the British 
annexed the Transvaal in 1877. This not only further 
antagonised the two republics, but also many Afrikaners 
who had remained behind in the Cape Colony. Slowly 
but surely the British Government was uniting such opinion 
throughout South Africa; it was about this time indeed that 
the unifying name of Afrikaner, as distinct from Trans- 
vaaler, Free Stater and Cape Colonial, began to come more 
and more into use. It began to appear to the Boers that the 
British Empire, despite the Conventions of Bloemfontein 
and Sand River, was intent on swallowing up the Republics; 
so that what had been an anti-Government feeling began to 
change into something more specifically anti-British. 

In 1880 the Transvaal Burghers rose; the British suffered 
a severe defeat at Majuba, which is another event that 
remains forever green in Afrikaner memory. In 1881 the war 
ended without victory; self-government was restored to 
the Transvaal, but in foreign affairs it was to be subject to 
the Queen's suzerainty. There was however a strong senti 
ment for complete independence, and Paul Kruger, who 



became President in 1883, became the embodiment of 

The next great event to hit South Africa was thejiscovery 
of gold on the "Witwatersrand in 1886. Cecil Rhodes already 
controlled the Diamond Fields; he was now a millionaire 
and had great dreams of an all-British route from the Cape 
to Cairo and of the unification of South Africa under the 
Union Jack. But Kruger stood in his way; therefore Rhodes 
sought to contain and confine the Transvaal Republic. 
He became Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, acquired the 
territory of British Bechuanaland (which is not to be 
confused with Bechuanaland Protectorate) and established 
the new country of Rhodesia. So, with Mozambique to 
the east and Natal to the south, Kruger was contained. 

Then Rhodes turned his attention to the Witwatersrand 
itself, where he already had great financial interests. Into 
Johannesburg had poured thousands of immigrants, called 
the uitlanders by the outnumbered Boers. Kruger altered the 
voting qualifications to prevent the immigrants from 
securing control There was great dissatisfaction, and Rhodes 
meant to use it. In 1895 his friend Jameson, having failed to 
receive an urgent message ordering him to desist, entered 
the Transvaal with 500 armed men in the famous Jameson 
Raid. The hoped-for rising of the uitlanders failed to 
come off, the British Government repudiated the raiders, 
and Jameson had to surrender ignominiously to Cronje. 
Kruger, against the advice of some of his more stubborn 
commandants, handed the whole party over to the British 
authorities for punishment. 

That was the end of the influence of Cecil Rhodes in South 
Africa. He was a great man with great ideas; he controlled 
Kimberley at 27, built great houses, became a Prime Minister, 
gave his name to a country, founded the most famous 



scholarships in history and chose for himself one of the 
grandest burial places in the world. He expected to be 
remembered for 4,000 years, but, except on ceremonial 
occasions in Rhodesia, he is remembered chiefly for the 
incalculable harm that he did to Anglo-Afrikaner relations. 

Krager, encouraged by the failure of the raid, now took a 
stronger line with the uidanders. But the British Govern 
ment sent out as High Commissioner an opponent harder 
and colder than Rhodes, namely Alfred (later Lord) Milner. 
That he must bear the major blame for the Anglo-Boer 
War is clear from his papers, which are published for all to 

In October, 1899, the Republics declared war on Britain. 
It was called a 'gentleman's war' and was generally free of 
brutality and atrocity. The British command pursued a 
'scorched earth* policy; it burned the farms and put the 
women and children into concentration camps, where over 
20,000 of them died, mostly because of insanitary conditions 
that were improved when the rising number of deaths 
shocked the military into action. This is another of the 
tragic events of the Century of Wrong that is freshly 
remembered, that seems never likely to be forgotten, that 
even today is argued about by correspondents to the news 
papers, in angry and bitter terms. 

The war could end in only one way, and on May 31, 
1902, the Treaty of Vereeniging was signed. The two 
republics of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal became 
British colonies, the former now being known as the 
Orange River Colony. The unification of the four British 
colonies was thus brought nearer, but its two white races 
had never been further apart. 




l& FTER the Anglo-Boer War, there was a period of 

f-\ energetic reconstruction in which the Governor of 
JL JL the two new colonies, Lord Milner, played an out 
standing and admirable part. But he was an autocrat, and 
entertained the foolish plan of anglicizing the Boer popula 
tion. Luckily there were great-minded men in Britain and 
South Africa at this time. In 1905 Campbell-Bannerman and 
the Liberal Party came into power in Britain, and in 1906 
restored self-government to the Transvaal, and in 1907 to 
the Orange River Colony. The first Prime Minister of the 
Transvaal was the Boer General Louis Botha, with the Boer 
General Smuts as Secretary of State. The first Prime Minister 
of the Orange River Colony was Mr. Abraham Fischer, 
with the Boer General Hertzog as his Attorney-General. 
English was to be the official language, but Dutch could be 
freely used in debates. The vote was limited to European 
adult males in these two colonies. 

The importance of these events could hardly be over 
estimated. They marked the end of British Imperialism. 
They marked the approaching end of the colonial age and 
the beginning of an age of liberation and turbulence which 
has by no means reached its end. 

In 1910 all four., .colonies, formed the Union of South 



Africa, and its first Prime Minister was General Louis Botha. 
Racial conciliation was in the air. The English and Dutch 
languages were declared equal. A wave of goodwill spread 
over the country. The Cape of Good Hope, which in 1853 
had achieved self^govemment, had a non-racial franchise 
and several thousands of Cape Coloured and African voters; 
this franchise was to be preserved, but not to be extended to 
the other three provinces of the Union. Further, it could 
only be altered by a two-thirds majority of both Houses 
sitting together. These conditions were not secured, as many 
Afrikaner Nationalists suppose today, by the intervention 
of the British Government, but by representatives of the 
Cape Colony itself. All four colonies agreed, however, that 
whatever the voting rights of non-white people, no non- 
white person might be elected to either House of Parliament. 
And lastly, on the insistence of the rural areas of the Cape 
and Free State, it was agreed that a rural constituency might 
be underloaded up to 15%, and an urban one overloaded up 
to 15%. This had far-reaching consequences in later years. 

But although there was much talk of brotherhood and 
reconciliation between the white races, there were large 
numbers of Afrikaner Nationalists who would have nothing 
to do with it. They were too near to the events of the 
Century of Wrong. They welcomed the recognition of 
Dutch, but they wanted rather the recognition of Afrikaans. 
Jealously they guarded everything that was peculiar to 
themselves, knowing the dangers of an alien culture; for 
were there not Afrikaners in the Cape who had become 
more English than the English? Above all, they insisted that 
their children should be educated in Afrikaans-medium 
schools, and for their young men and women they estab 
lished Afrikaans-medium universities. 

Afrikaner Nationalism worked openly and boldly for 



political supremacy. After all, Afrikaners outnumbered 
English-speaking South Africans, and if only they could be 
made Nationalists, if only they would use properly the 
franchise now restored to them, if only they would rebuild 
their own and not be misled by soft words, then one 
day they would not only win back the old Republics, 
but would establish the new Republic of South Africa. 
Then would Afrikanerdom be triumphant, and South Africa 
would truly belong to those who had suffered for her so 

The Nationalists now set out to accomplish this task. In 
1912 General Hertzog broke away from General Botha, and 
formed the small Nationalist Party. In 1914 came the First . 
World War, and General Botha took South Africa into it 
at the side of Great Britain; but much of Afrikaans-speaking 
South Africa would have nothing to do with a 'British' war. 
Some rebelled; one named Jopie Fourie was shot as a traitor, 
and he, too, went to join the ranks of the martyrs of 
Slagter's Nek. 

In 1924 the Nationalists under General Hertzog, aided by a 
small largely-English-speaking Labour Party, captured the 
Government. One of their first acts was to establish Afrikaans 
as equal with English. Another was to get away from the 
hated Union Jack, and to have a Union Flag; this was 
bitterly opposed by English-speaking South Africa, and the 
compromise is the flag we know today, the flag of Orange, 
with, superimposed on the middle bar, three small flags, 
replicas of the Union Jack and the two republican flags. 
Dr, Malan called this the scab' and said it would one day 
Ml off. Another important event was when the British 
Parliament passed the Statute of Westminster in 1931, 
declaring the absolute equality of status of all Dominions 
within the British Commonwealth of Nations, which were 



united only by their common allegiance to the Crown, 
South Africa thus became the equal of Great Britain and the 
mistress of her own destinies. 

English-speaking South Africa, which, after Botha's 
death, had given almost full support to Smuts, was relieved 
when Hertzog and Smuts joined in 1933, in the United 
Party. But a small number of Nationalists again stood aloof, 
this time under Dr. Malan. 

In 1936 Hertzog obtained the necessary two-thirds 
majority in a joint sitting for the transfer of all African voters 
to a separate roll. Eleven members out of 190 opposed the 
change, led by J. H. Hofineyr. In 1938 'Die Stem van Suid- 
afrika became a national anthem alongside of 'God Save 
the King'. 

In 1939 came the Second World War. Hertzog and 
Smuts differed violently, but Smuts with a majority of 
thirteen votes again led South Africa into war at the side of 
Great Britain. Hertzog was reunited with Malan and the 
Nationalists, but soon after died. There was no rebellion; 
very many Afrikaners joined the forces, but on the whole 
the Dutch Reformed Churches, the Afrikaner cultural 
societies, the Afrikaans-medium schools, the Universities 
of Stellenbosch, Bloemfontein, Potchefstroom and Pretoria, 
stood quite aloo 

Smuts and his United Party came victoriously through 
the war, but were defeated by Malan and his Nationalists in 
1948. This was the first all-Afrikaner Government in South 
Africa; it held the majority of seats, but owing to the 
underloading and overloading mentioned above, it did 
so by a minority of votes. 

How did the Nationalists finally get in? Who put them 
in? There is no doubt that with a few exceptions they were 
put in by the Afrikaner people. There is no doubt that at 



no time in their long history had so many of the Afrikaners 
thought as one. After forty years of Union, during which 
there had been a minimum of brawling, public and private 
fighting and violence, the English-speaking and the Afri 
kaans-speaking South Africans had never been so divided. 

And why did they get in? There is no doubt that they got 
in because they promised to solve the racial problems of the 
Union in the traditional Boer way, by the methods of 
separation or apartheid; that is, by separating the races in 
schools, universities, residential areas, occupations and 
professions, trains and buses, entrances and exits, libraries, 
halls, and in every other desirable way. At last the Afrikaner 
people had a chance to make good the wrong turning 
that history had taken when the British and their mis- 
sionaries came to the Cape, and to re-assert the supremacy 
of the white man. In the words of the Grondwet, tie Con 
stitution, of the Transvaal Republic, there was to be 'no 
equality in Church or State*. 

One of the cries of the 1948 election was that Hofineyr 
must be destroyed. It was he who had opposed the transfer 
of African voters to a separate roll. It was he who had 
resisted Smuts' attempts to restrict Indians to certain areas. 
It was he who always insisted that the brotherhood of man 
must be translated into political terms. On December 3, 
19485 he died, some said of a broken heart, rightly I think. 
No man in South Africa foresaw so clearly how ruthlessly 
the Nationalists would carry out their policy of apartheid. 

The first year of office was relatively quiet. The recently 
granted Parliamentary representation for Indians was 
repealed. Immigration was curtailed, because immigrants 
had an unfortunate habit of siding with the United Party. 
Malan called the United Nations a 'menace to liberty' and 
threatened to leave the organization rather than subject 



the mandated territory of South-West Africa (the one-time 
German colony) to U.N. inspection. Malan's lieutenant, 
Strijdom, said that resistance to apartheid was treasonable. 
The Minister of Education ait down the grants for feeding 
African schoolchildren and the animus of the Government 
against inter-racial trade unions was clearly revealed. 

In 1949 came the Mixed Marriages Act, and the 
Government closed twenty-one cities and towns to African 
work-seekers. In 1950 came the Population Registration Act, 
introducing a scheme of classification by which the race of 
all persons would be once and forever determined, a 
measure which was to cause unspeakable suffering, and to 
cause wives to repudiate husbands and children to hate 
fathers, because fear of ostracism was now great enough to 
overcome love of kindred. This Population Registration 
Act was essential to Acts like the Mixed Marriages Act, the 
Immorality Act, and especially now to the new Group Areas 
Act, which was to divide the whole Union into racial areas. 

In presenting the Group Areas Bill to Parliament, Dr. 
Donges, Minister of the Interior, said that it would be 
implemented 'with justice to all*. One of the first effects 
of the Act has been to expel Indian traders in the Transvaal 
from the centres of all cities and towns; in Johannesburg the 
expulsion will be to the bare veld twenty miles from the 
city. Another effect has been to expel African owners from 
freehold sites, and to oflfer them other sites where they may 
not purchase land. In every declaration of group areas it is 
always the white group that is left alone; in the city of Dur 
ban it is estimated that 3,000 whites will be moved, and over 
100,000 other persons. The Act further gave inspectors 
the right to oiter any dwelling by day or by night, and 
without notice. The United Party supported this evil 
legislation, because while it believes in economic integration, 



It also believes in social and residential separation enforced 
by law. 

Also in 1950 came the Suppression of Communism Act, 
under which the Minister might 'deem' any person to be a 
Communist, and compel him to resign from all societies and 
organizations, and forbid him to speak publicly or to enter 
certain areas. There is no appeal from any such ban. On 
Labour Day the African and Indian Congresses held a 
protest meeting on the Rand and lost eighteen killed in 
fighting with the police. The first South-West Africa 
elections, giving to white voters a representation three 
times as generous as in the Union, were a triumph for Malan, 
giving him four more Senators and six more M.P.s. On 
September n, 1950, Smuts died; and Dr. Jansen having 
resigned to become Governor-General, Dr. Verwperd was 
appointed Minister of Native Affairs. He was to be the 
Supreme Architect of apartheid. 

In 1951 came the Bantu Authorities Act, which got rid of 
the troublesome Native Representative Council and began 
creating a hierarchy of authorities all under the Minister of 
Native Affairs. In the struggle to remove Coloured voters 
from the common roll, the Government, acting on the 
assumption that the Statute of Westminster freed the now 
autonomous Union of South Africa from any obligation 
to observe the entrenchments of the Constitution, voted the 
removal by an ordinary majority. The Minister of Education 
threatened the withholding of grants from cultural societies 
that did not observe the colour bar, and the Christian 
Education Movement, for one, decided to continue without 
State support. Passports were made Government property, 
and several hundreds of people were 'named* under the 
Suppression of Communism Act. The exciting event of the 
year was the formation of the Torch Commando ; thousands 



of ex-servicemen and others marched on Cape Town and 
demonstrated against the removal of Coloured voters, and 
the Commando was at first able to conceal Its typically 
White-South-Africa dilemma, namely that it was defending 
the rights of coloured people, but was not prepared to make 
common cause with them. The Commando went from 
strength to strength, the flush of fever disguising its fatal 

In 19^52 Dr. Verwoerd introduced his Bantu Urban 
Authorities Act, whereby he hoped still further to divide 
and rule the African people. The Appellate Court invalidated 
the Separate Representation of Voters Act, whereupon the 
Government secured the passing of the High Court of 
Parliament Act, making Parliament an Appellate Court of 
higher status than the one in Bloemfontein. The exciting 
event of this year was the launching of the Resistance move 
ment, and many thousands of non-white volunteers broke 
the apartheid laws, to be joined later by Patrick Duncan, son 
of the late Sir Patrick Duncan, first South African citizen to 
be appointed Governor-General, and other Europeans, The 
High Court of Parliament invalidated the Appellate invali 
dation, and the Cape Supreme Court invalidated the High 
Court invalidation, and was on appeal supported by the 
Appellate Court. The Resistance Movement was marred 
by ugly riots at Port Elizabeth and East London, in which 
Europeans were killed; the leaders disowned the rioters, 
but their resistance was believed by many people to have 
opened the door to lawless elements. The white Congress 
of Democrats was formed, a radical organization resolutely 
opposed to apartheid and destined to co-operate closely 
with the African and Indian Congresses. So came to an end 
a troubled year. 

In 1953 Parliament passed the Public Safety Act, carried 



with nine dissentients and supported by the United Party. 
The Criminal Law Amendment Act was passed to counter 
act the Resistance Movement, providing for penalties of 
.300 and/or three years and/or lashes for law-breaking 
by way of protest, and penalties of ^500 and/or five years 
and/or kshes for incitement to protest. This brought the 
Resistance Movement to an end, and many of its leaders 
were banned, including ex-Chief Luthuli, President- 
General of the African National Congress. 

In the General Elections the Nationalists secured nine 
more seats, though still with a minority of votes. This led 
to the formation of the Liberal Party to replace the Liberal 
Association; the Party observed no colour bar in member 
ship and opposed all discriminatory laws. The Federal Party 
also came into being, declaring its opposition to a republic, 
and its support for a federal constitution, but taking no 
firm stand on the question of racial discrimination. But 
tragically the Torch Commando went into a decline. 
Parliament passed the Separate Amenities Act, which 
empowered authorities to maintain and set up facilities 
separate but not equal for the various races. Dr. Malan, 
the Prime Minister, tried again for a two-thirds majority 
to remove Coloured voters to a separate roll, but failed. The 
reservation of occupations to specific racial groups was 
foreshadowed, and Dr. Malan threatened those universities 
which admitted non-white students and again pressed the 
claim of South Africa to incorporate the Protectorates. 

In 1954 Dr. Malan failed again to secure a two-thirds 
majority to remove the Coloured voters, being unable to 
persuade the United Party to support him. The dreaded 
Industrial Conciliation Act was passed, permitting no trade 
unions for Africans, no multi-racial unions, and allowing 
the Minister to allocate occupations on a racial basis. The 



forty-year-old freehold African suburb of Johannesburg 

called SopMatown was declared a white area, and Dr. 
Verwoerd, having failed to secure the co-operation of the 
Johannesburg City Council, secured the passing of an Act 
to establish a Native Resettlement Board to remove the 
residents of Sophiatown to Meadowlands, where they would 
enjoy no freehold rights. This was done in pursuance of the 
theory that the African was a 'temperorary dweller' in the 
cities, and excited wonder in the minds of dispassionate 
observers that the Minister could so foolishly destroy an 
African land-owning class that would not be likely to lend 
itself to revolution or violence. Dr. Verwoerd also sponsored 
the Bantu Education Act, which meant the end of missionary 
activity in the field of education. The Minister said in the 
House that there was no pkce for Africans in the European 
community c above the level of certain forms of labour*. 
Bantu schools were to be community schools, not under 
missionary control, but under the control of community 
committees, controlled not by the community, but by the 
Minister, Those schools which wished to continue as 
private schools must gain the consent of the Minister. The 
Dutch Reformed Churches approved the Act, as did some 
of the subservient foreign missions; but the other churches 

In December was held a Multi-racial Church Conference 
in Johannesburg, under the aegis of the Dutch Reformed 
Churches, in which speakers and delegates of all races took 
part, although they sat and ate separately. The United Party 
promised a new non-European policy, but Its Congress 
produced virtually nothing; and the overwhelmingly 
English-speaking Natal Provincial Council forbade inter 
racial sport at any of its educational institutions. Another 
gloomy year. 



In 1955 Malan resigned, and Strijdom succeeded him. He 
saw the future as a struggle between Nationalism and 
Liberalism, but promised 'white supremacy with justice for 
all*. The Group Areas Act was further amended to speed up 
the proclamations, which were being delayed by the tactics 
of the Indian Congress, and the Group Areas Development 
Act was passed, which empowered the authorities, after 
hearing representations, to value properties, from which 
valuation there was no appeal. 

On June 25 and 26, the Congress of the People was held 
at Kliptown. Three thousand delegates attended and adopted 
the Freedom Charter, a declaration of human rights. The 
great event of the year was the passing of the Senate Act, 
which reconstituted the Senate, increasing it from 48 to 89, 
and giving the Government 77 of the 89 seats. So Strijdom 
secured his two-thirds majority, and passed the Separate 
Representations of Coloured Voters Act, which the 
enlarged Appellate Court, increased from five to eleven by 
the Appellate Court Act, validated on appeal by ten to one, 
Air. Justice Schreiner dissenting. Meanwhile white women 
of South Africa had formed the 'Black Sash', an organization 
for the defence of the Constitution, and women wearing 
black sashes as a sign of mourning for the dying Constitu 
tion held vigils and 'haunted' Ministers when they opened 
bridges, conferences and buildings. 

Disgusting methods were used by Government officials as 
they classified people for the Population Register under the 
Population Registration Act. Combs and pencils were 
passed through the hair of persons to determine whether 
they were African or Coloured, and intimate and insulting 
questions were asked. Parliament passed the Departure 
from the Union Regulation Act, to regulate the visits 
abroad of persons likely to harm the Union and its lawful 



government. Dr. Charles Warren, the Negro member of 
an American study group, was refused entry to the Union. 
The long-awaited Tomlinson report, which the Govern 
ment hoped would justify apartheid, was published; but it 
estimated that in A.D. 2000, white people would grill be far 
outnumbered in the white areas, no matter what the 
development of the native reserves. The Tomlinson Com 
mission also recommended the spending of over 
.100,000,000 on the development of the reserves in ten 
years, whereupon the Government voted ^3,500,000. 
This was a great blow to the total separationists, but they 
still persist in advocating total separation. The Catholics 
decided to run their schools unaided, and raised a sum of 
-750,000, but it remained uncertain whether they would 
secure the necessary permission. Adams College, the 
century-old mission school in Natal, though it had secured 
the necessary finance, was refused permission, and had to 
close down. 

One of the most totalitarian laws of the year was the 
Natives (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act, which prohibited 
any court from granting an interdict to any African ordered 
to remove from an urban location by an order which came 
or "purported' to come from the appropriate official; the 
African resident must first remove himself, and only there 
after could he take proceedings, during which rime his job 
and his home might well have been given to some other 
person. Not even if the order were served wrongly upon 
him, not even if the order had been in fact intended for 
quite some other person, could he obtain an interdict. Still 
another bad year. 

In 1957 the Fort Hare University Transfer Bill and the 
Separate University Education Bill gave notice of the Gov 
ernment's intention to provide wholly separate university 



education for non-white students, and to carry out Dr. 

Malan's direat against the "open 9 universities of Capetown 
and the Witwatersrand, which admitted non-white students. 
These matters were referred to a Parliamentary Commission, 
but it is expected that later this year (1958) the Government 
will provide for the eventual if not immediate total separa 
tion of white university education from non-white. The 
commotion of the year was provided by the famous church 
clause of the Native Laws Amendment Act,, wMch gave the 
Minister, after securing the concurrence of the local authority, 
the right to forbid Africans to attend church services in white 
urban areas, as wel as other rights over attendance of 
Africans at other places. The church clause was vigorously 
opposed by the white English-speakkg churches, but the 
Dutch Reformed Churches received assurances from the 
Minister that satisfied them. Many church leaders advised 
followers to disobey the law, a grave action without 
precedent in our history. 

However, later in the year the new Group Areas Act 
achieved quietly what Dr. Verwoerd had achieved in a 
glare of world publicity. It defined 'occupation* of an area 
otter than one's own in such a way as to threaten almost any 
kind of inter-racial association. The Nursing Act created 
separate racial registers, the whole profession to be con 
trolled by an all-white Council, which, was empowered to 
prescribe different courses for different races, as well as 
different uniforms and badges. Another bad year. 

Just before the General Election of 1958 the first elections 
for the now separated coloured voters were held. It was 
estimated that only 30% of the possible total of Coloured 
voters had bothered to register, and of these only two-fifths 
voted. It was estimated that young Coloured people boy 
cotted the elections almost completely. The four United 



Party candidates won the four seals easily, completely 
routing the Nationalists, the Liberal Party having decided 
not to contest the elections. The authoritative view was that 
only older and more conservative Coloured people had 
voted, and only a fraction of them, and that they had 
registered an overwhelming vote against apartheid, which 
was threatening to root them up from their homes and to 
remind them at every turn of their inferiority to those 
who had played such a great part in their genesis. It is ' 
generally believed that the Coloured people of South 
Africa have never been so cold in their attitude to the 

Then came the General Election. It was won by the 
Nationalist Party with 103 seats (a gain of 7) against 53 for 
the United Party (a gain of i), these Nationalist gains having 
been made at the expense of the United Party, while the 
United Party gains were made at the expense of Labour and 
Independents. Thus the white electorate moved to the right. 
It is estimated that the votes were divided roughly 50:50 
between the Nationalists and the United Party. The Labour 
Party was wiped out, and the three Liberals, contesting their 
first parliamentary election, secured respectively 6%, 7% 
and 17% of the poll 

The African National Congress decided to call a stay-at- 
home strike for April 14, 15 and 16, the last day being the day 
of the General Election. The plan had the support of the 
other Congresses, was advised against by the Liberal Party 
and was condemned by the Nationalists and the United 
Party. The Minister of Labour, Mr. Jan de Klerk, threatened 
to give the strikers a taste of * white supremacy*, and all police 
were alerted. The strike was a failure and was cancelled on 
the evening of the first day. It revealed one thing, and that 
was the vast amount of organization still required by the 

E 49 


African people if they were to exert significant extra- 
parliamentary pressures. It probably also revealed the great 
damage that the Government had inflicted on the African 
National Congress by Its namings, bannings and arrests 
not to mention Its legislation. 

When the stay-at-home strike was threatening, Dr. 
Verwoerd, Minister of Native Affairs, Invoked the Native 
Administration Act of 1927, and forbade meetings of more 
than ten Africans In many areas. In order to prevent labour 
unrest. TMs ban Is still In operation today (June 22, ten weeks 
after the election),* and as a consequence the Liberal Party 
has been unable to hold freely attended meetings. Appeals 
by the Party to the Secretary for Native Affairs elicited the 
Information that the Minister had been extremely busy, 
and that he was still gathering information, yet he knew 
and must have known that the Liberal Party has no record 
of association with labour unrest It suits him to keep the 
Liberal Party waiting on him, that Is all; it shows to the 
Liberal Party, and to any other person who cares to take 
note, who Is the baas. 

The last striking event in 1958 was the proclamation of 
group areas In the City of Durban, by which 3 ,000 Europeans 
and 97,000 people of other races are to be removed. It Is the 
Indian community which Is likely to suffer the most grievous 
losses; their property, so valuable to them, Is of no value to 
the Europeans to whom the area now belongs. It Is true that 
under the Group Areas Development Act the authorities 
may assign a 'basic' value to any property, but from their 
decision there Is no appeal. So apartheid goes on Its cruel and 
callous way, hiding behind fine words, but leaving a train 
of bitterness and suffering in its wake. 

And now we look forward to the first session of our new 

*Tfae ban was lifted on Angus 29. 



Parliament, wondering what new fortifications will be 
erected, wondering what new folly will be committed in 
this fantastic process of making Afrikanerdom safe by the 
most dangerous methods in the world- 



I HOPE that this brief historical account has helped 
readers in other countries to understand why Afrikaner 
Nationalism has become what it is today, and how 
inflexible it appears to be in the matter of race relations. 
For some people African Nationalism is the irresistible force, 
and Afrikaner Nationalism is the immovable obstacle. 

Further, this account should have made it clear that the 
liberal idea of a common society is repugnant and repellent to 
many Afrikaners, and the fact that the idea was introduced 
by the British administrator and missionary has made it even 
more so. 

And now the Afrikaner Nationalist rules the country and 
there seems little possibility at the moment of unseating him. 
As a result of this Ms doctrines of apartheid have been 
powerfully reinforced, and there can be no doubt that just 
as in the past Afrikaners were subject to a process of 
anglicization, so now English-speaking people are subject 
to a process of Afrikanerization, more particularly in respect 
of these doctrines. 

It is clear from the results of the 1958 elections that half 
of the white voters are in favour of white baasskap and 
Afrikaner supremacy, and that those 50% of the voters can 
win two-thirds of the seats; it would appear that of the 
other half of the voters, the great majority, though not in 



favour of Afrikaner supremacy, are certainly in favour of 
white baasskap, although they do not ike the phrase and 

prefer white leadership. It would appear that the white elec 
torate is not in favour of any political concessions to non- 
white people and that the United Party has, since the deaths 
of Hofmeyr and Smuts, steadily drifted to the right, through 
fear of authority or through hopelessness, or even through a 
growing acceptance of the view that white and black 
interests are irreconcilable, and that all white people should 
stand together. 

Furthermore it would appear that in Southern Rhodesia 
the white electorate is moving in the same direction; and 
might conceivably, after having fled bodily to Rhodesia 
for freedom, flee back spiritually to South Africa for 

These are ugly facts, and they must be faced. They are 
made still uglier by the possibility, seen so clearly by Hof 
meyr, that white action would evoke black counteraction, 
and that every repressive act would make conflict more and 
more inevitable.* Hofineyr said, 4 Go forward in faith*, but 
today this would be regarded by the majority of white 
South Africans as highly unpractical, unrealistic and 

How does one escape from, this predicament, if one really 
believes that to do justice and to do injustice are equally 
dangerous? There is one classical escape, and that is through 
total apartheid, the thoroughgoing division of South Africa 
into separate racial territories, in each of which the racial 
group in occupation will ran its own affairs and pursue its 
own happiness* The arguments put forward to support total 
apartheid are, jr$ that different racial groups cannot Ive in 

*Praessor McCrone, of die University of die Witwatos3nd } is the outstanding 
exponent of this theme. 



harmony in a common territory, second that subordinate 

groups will never receive justice in a common territory. 
Nor do I doubt that fear of ultimate disaster is an important 

Professor B. B. Keet has called this the pipe-dream, and no 
name could be more appropriate, not merely because the 
dream is fanciful, but also because it can be dreamed even 
when every points, every event moves, in a contrary 
direction. There are I think four insuperable reasons why 
total apartheid is impossible; there is no land for it, there is no 
money for it, there is no time for it, there is no will for it. 

Nevertheless the smokers of this pipe would argue that it 
is the liberal vision of a common society open to all that is 
in fact the true pipe-dream. There is nothing, they would 
argue, in the 300 years of our history to indicate that such 
an end Is possible. 

What is more, some of the frustrated opponents of the 
Government, after the still greater defeat of the 1958 
elections, are inclined to say, 'Apartheid Is too strong for us; 
It's a waste of time to fight it, let's try to work it/ 

Finally, the total aparthelder can say, *I am a liberal too. 
I'm the Afrikaner liberal. I want apartheid, but I want a just 
Why don't you support me? I at least am in 
contact with the sources of power/ 

There are clear and emphatic reasons why liberals of my 
persuasion are totally unable to lend support to the forces of 
total apartheid, quite apart from the fact that there Is no land, 
money, time or will for It, 

To us apartheid^ of "whatever brand, Is a rejection of one's 
fellow men, not those of Kamchatka and Patagonia, but 
those who arc born and live and die in the same land. To 
make apartheid total does not fundamentally alter the fact 
that it Is a rejection. Total apartheid Is a device whereby one 



can have in imagination rejection and justice simultaneously. 
Seen from a religious point of view, total apartheid is love 
of one's neighbour, provided he does not live next door. 

Our present society has been the joint product of all 
South Africa; but some of these assets are quite indivisible; 
for example, our cities and harbours, our mines. How could 
there be any just division of the country? On the contrary 
we believe that these new societies will be condemned 
forever to a poor and inferior life. Therefore we reject the 
proposition. Further, having seen the suffering and injustice 
inflicted by the preliminary measures of apartheid, how can 
we possibly believe that the final measures will be some 
thing quite different? Apartheid,, whether partial or total, is 
essentially something done by someone with power to 
someone with none. 

But we reject it even more emphatically because we 
believe that the vain pursuit of it will postpone still further 
the day when all South Africans share equally the duties, 
privileges and joys of living in South Africa. And to that 
we may add that the pursuit of this goal of fantasy will 
turn aside some of our best minds from consideration of the 
real problem of creating a common society under out 
standingly difficult circumstance. 

We have another reason for believing that total apartheid 
is a fantasy; for, supposing it could be achieved, how could 
the white State watch with equanimity the forging of alli 
ances between the non-white State and other countries of 
Africa and the world? 

This demonstrates the difficulty of our problem. The 
apartheids says that the idea of a common is un.tb.tTfk- 

able, impossible, perhaps even disgusting. The liberal says 
that apartheid as domination is doomed to die, and apartheid 
as total separation is doomed never to be born. It is my 



experience that the total apartfaider, in whom reason and 
emotion struggle incessantly, sees the truth of the liberal 
argument, and is driven to a further and new argument, 
namelv that so long as we do not know with certainty 
whether total apartheid or integration will be the solution, 
it is our duty to drive towards total apartheid rather than 
integration, because from the first there can be a turning- 
back, but never from the second, This is an interesting 
and significant argument. 

It is my duty to place clearly before the reader the 
difficulties in the way of attaining either of these goals. It 
is also my duty to explain that there are many South 
Africans who, beleving it impossible to reach either goal, 
are deeply pessimistic about the future. And it will be my 
duty a little later to contend that while total apartheid is 
impossible, a democratic society is inevitable, unless demo 
cracy dies out in the world. Just how we reach that society, 
and whether it will be reached without a bitter price, such as 
the ejection of most white persons or the suffering of an 
Algerian agony those are the real questions. Whether one 
stays to work for that society regardless of the consequences, 
or whether one leaves the country fearful of the conse 
quences, is to my mind as much a question of character and 
temperament as it is of being able to predict the future and 
to act upon that prediction. 

There is another difficulty in the way of achieving a 
democratic and non-racial and liberal solution. One of the 
reasons why one supports the liberal solution is because one 
sees the danger of group irreconcilability. But the very 
growth of this group irreconcilability makes the liberal 
solution less likely and more difficult to bring about. My 
readers should by this time see quite clearly that the Govern 
ment disapproves of inter-racial or non-racial association; it 



has akeady taken certain indire:t steps to make It impossible, 

and it has power in certain drcumstances to take direct steps 
also, It does not wish however to say boldly, so that the 
world can hear, 'There must be no friendship or human 
communication between a white and a non-white person* ;* 
but it feels able to say, You, a white person, may not enter 
that area, because that area is set aside for black persons, so 
that they may live self-respecting, self-reliant, self-supporting 
lives, without let or hindrance from any person of any other 
group or race,* In feet, long before this Government came 
to power, no white person could enter a location' without 
permission; and a location superintendent would be 
incredulous if a white person sought a permit to pay a 
friendly call on a black person in a location. In other words, 
the increasing amount of enforced racial separation makes it 
more and more difficult to create that racial understanding 
on which any solution must be based. 

Fortunately the road ahead is not completely blocked. 
S.AJ3.R.A.,t at its most recent conference at Stellenbosch, 
was most outspoken on the subject of consultation between 
white and non-white people, and decided to call a con 
ference with non-white leaders in the near future. This is 
in direct conflict with the policy of Dr. Verwoerd, who told 
students at Stellenbosch that they should leave consultation 
to himself and his Department, and should not be carried 
away by so-called broadminded ideas. It was in fact strongly 
rumoured at the S JLB.RJL Conference that Dr. Verwoerd 
had resigned from the Bureau, but this fact has never been 
confirmed or denied. 

*! have no donbt that Dr. Verwoer4 if he had sole power, would have no 
hesitation in framing a Jaw wMcfa. would say categoricaBy s no non-white person 
<haT1 enoer a wMte person's house except in the capacity of a servant.* 

fl remind the reader that S. AJBJELJL, the South African Bureau ofRada! Affairs, 
is a noD-political organization sapporzcd largely by Nationalists of the total 



What is more, there are hopes that S.A.B.R.A. will 
really consult leaders', and not the stooges that Dr. Ver- 
woerd consults. By leaders I mean people like ex-Chief 
Luthuli and Professor Z. K. Matthews, both of whom 
were arrested on charges of high treason in December, 1956. 
Professor L. J. Duplessis, another S.AJB.R.A. man, bluntly 
called Dr. VerwoercTs consultants 'hirelings', and that Is 
precisely what they are. 

Nevertheless, however cheering this may be, consultation 
between S.A.B.R.A. and non-white leaders Is likely to be 
more palatable to the Government than consultation between 
liberals and non-white leaders, because S.A.B.RJL is 
committed to a policy of total apartheid. One therefore can 
not exclude the possibility that the law will be applied In 
such a way that only that kind of inter-racial association will 
be permitted which meets to promote racial separation. 

A last question must be faced before we proceed to dis 
cuss the task of Liberalism and of the Liberal Party in the 
present situation. All of us hope that whatever difficult 
times must be endured, South Africa will eventually become 
a democracy; and by that we mean a country with parlia 
mentary institutions based on universal suffrage, with a 
written constitution and a bill of rights, and a distribution 
of power and authority, not only in respect of parliament, 
cabinet and judiciary, but also in respect of national, 
provincial and local bodies. 

This goal will almost certainly be reached If democracy 
does not retreat throughout the world. But it may be 
reached in one of two ways, either as an aftermath of viol 
ence and revolution resulting In a black racial domination, 
or by an evolutionary process of a massive kind. To put It 
bluntly, the choice is not simply revolution or evolution, 
it Is revolution or revolutionary evolution. If some readers 

5 g 


do not like that language, one can say the choice is between 
revolution and massive evolution. I do not know one liberal 
who believes that change mill come about as a result of 
steady and quiet evolution. That particular fantasy is 
cherished only by those who think the change will or should 
take a thousand years (or some comparable time); it is 
often called the ostrich-fantasy, and it is held, I believe, 
by those whose vested interest depends on stability, and/or 
those who hope never to see such change. It is a common 
United Party view. 

If we are fated to pass through a violent revolutionary 
period, it is clear I think that no liberal organization will 
survive it, and perhaps no liberal either. That there will be 
a task for liberalism in the period of aftermath, I have no 
doubt whatsoever, that is, if democracy still lives stoutly in 
the world. But that is a matter for the future. I shall concern 
myself rather with the task of liberals and a Liberal Party in 
a period of massive evolution. I believe in fact that we have 
already entered such a period, and it is clearly the duty of 
liberaisj not only to themselves, but to every person in 
South Africa, to endeavour to ensure, in collaboration with 
all like-minded people, that the process is not allowed to 
oiter a violent and chaotic phase, during which all liberty 
would be lost, with no guarantee as to when it would be 
found again. 

This is no easy task; it is not unlike being required to guide 
safely to its destination a vehicle over whose steering one 
has control, but over whose speed one has not. 




THE Liberal Party in South Africa therefore rejected 
the policy of white supremacy, primarily because it 
was immoral, but also because it was impossible. 
It rejected the policy of total apartheid, primarily because it 
was impossible, but also because it was immoral, It rejected 
the United Party policy of 'disoitnijiation with justice', 
on the grounds, justifiable I believe, that one could get 
better discrimination from the Nationalists, and better justice 
from the Liberals themselves.* The Party also rejected the 
revolutionary solution, partly through temperament, partly 
through belief that revolution would destroy the funda 
mental freedoms of man. 

The Party sees itself as participating in and assisting the 
process of evolution, and insists on the possibility of evolu 
tionary change, though it does not believe this can be a 
process of planned gradualism. Indeed there is one over 
whelmingly sound reason for believing that planned 
gradualism is impossible, and that is that the Nationalist 
Party will, by all ordinary reckoning, never again be 
defeated at an election. This opinion is held strongly both 

*I realize that the word 'discriiniiiation* may not necessarily mean *diszbzilimtion. 
against*. Bat the won! as used by the United Party means *discctinination, against*, 
because the Party supports legislation by wbidb. one section of the population 
imposes segregation upon the others. 


inside and outside the Nationalist Party. The reader already 
knows of the rural underloading and the urban overloading, 
by which a rural constituency need contain only 85% of the 
number of voters obtained by dividing the total number 
of voters in the Union by the total number of constituencies; 
conversely, an urban constituency may be overloaded up to 
115% of this average quota. This favours the Nationalist 
Party because the rural districts are overwhelmingly 
Afiikaans-speaMng and overwhelmingly Nationalist The 
reader should also remember that the white population is 
nearly two-thirds Afrikaans-speaking, that the Afrikaner 
birthrate Is higher than the English-speaking birthrate, and 
that the younger generations of Afrikaners become more 
and more Nationalist because of their separate Afrikaans- 
medium schools and their separate Afrikaans-medium 
universities, many of which, it may be said, have taught 
consistently that an Afrikaner cannot be a good one unless 
he is a Nationalist. Further, In 1936 General Hertzog re 
moved African voters to a separate roll, and In 1956 Mr. 
Strijdom removed Coloured voters also, concentrating 
potential support for the Opposition in a limited number of 
constituencies; and It is not unlikely that the Gist roll will 
soon be abolished, and the second will not be long In 
following It. Then South-West Africa was granted a wholly 
disproportionate representation, and returned a grand slam 
of Nationalists to Parliament. The Senate was fantastically 
enlarged, and a new method of election introduced, whereby 
the Government took 77 of the 89 seats, thus giving Mr. 
Strijdom a manufactured two-thirds majority in both 
Houses sitting together. 

How under these circumstances will the Nationalists ever 
be ejected by parliamentary means? The feet is, they have 
deliberately set out to make It virtually Impossible. Legally 



and constitutionally, they have made South Africa a one- 
part}' state. 

The massive nature of Nationalist entrenchments is such 
that it has compelled all the elements of the Opposition to 
reconsider their strategy. How does one oppose a Govern 
ment which has given, to its own supporters every conceiv 
able advantage, and which seems unlikely to be unseated 
unless some event or series of events should occur which 
would compel white South Africa to reconsider its course? 

The Liberal Part}*, when confronted by this problem, has 
always maintained that even under these difficult circum 
stances it has a parliamentary as well as an extra-parlia 
mentary duty. The parliamentary duty is to try to put its 
policies and principles before the white voters of the country; 
to try to persuade white voters that failure to change thek 
attitudes can lead only to disaster; to uphold the claims of 
justice and to preach both the folly and the wrongness of 
race-discrimination; to bring African and Indian and 
Coloured and European Liberals onto the election platforms, 
giving largely white audiences an opportunity to see 
that those values of which they wrongly suppose themselves 
to be the sole custodians (and of which they sometimes 
wrongly suppose themselves to be custodians at all) to see 
that those values, I repeat, are supported by their fellow 
South Africans of other races, and to be reassured that a 
non-racial democracy is a valid and exciting choice. 

The Liberal Party has always attached great importance to 
the fact that its membership is open to all. I read not long 
since an African's cynical description of 'inter-racial associa 
tion' as 'occasionally inviting some cleaner natives to tea'. 
For many members of the Party, inter-racial association has 
meant entering into a new country, exciting, dangerous and 
beautiful. It seems likely to become more dangerous, 



because there is no doubt that the Minister of Native 
Affairs and numberless thousands of his supporters regard 
inter-racial association as something unnatural and disgusting, 
to be forbidden by law. Political association is the worst of 
all, because obviously those who indulge in it are hostile to 
apartheid, and white "agitators' corrupt 'decent natives* and 
give them ideas which undermine the ideal and separated 
society for which the Minister is working. As I have stated 
earlier, in this year, 1958, on April n, the Minister forbade 
the gathering of more than ten Africans together except 
for certain harmless purposes, and he gave as his reason for 
so doing the need *to prevent irresponsible elements during 
the coming days or weeks from causing labour unrest by 
the holding of meetings. It was the wish of the Minister 
that as far as his Department was concerned, the notice 
should, remain in effect only temporarily, in other words, 
for just as long as was necessary in the areas concerned.* 
As I write (June 22, 1958) the ban is still in force, and 
organizers of Liberal Party or other meetings have either 
had to limit the number of Africans attending, or to cancel 
the meetings. When questioned as to whether there was 
still a danger of labour unrest, the Secretary for Native 
Affairs replied to the Party that the Minister had been too 
busy to re-examine the position. It is to be expected therefore 
that sooner or later mixed meetings may be forbidden 
altogether, and this is likely to be done indirectly, so that 
critics overseas can be informed by the State Information 
Office that this is only an isolated case of inconvenience, 
which could be righted only at the expense of setting aside a 
law which ensures the happiness of millions of non-white 
people, who at last have been given separate areas of peace 
and opportunity where they may lead unfettered lives of 
bliss, free from all the humiliations and deprivations that they 



suffered when they were forced to live in a mixed society. 

We do not expect therefore that the future of inter-racial 
association, particularly when it is for political purposes, is 
likely to be easy. For one thing s the purely physical barriers 
of make it difficult; bat in addition to that, inter 

racial association is some would say has already 

assumed the form of treason. No less a person than the 
Prime Minister has caled opposition to apartheid by this 
name, thus making people more and more afraid of being 
associated with any deviation.* 

Such a choice of what one believes to be just and good 
and what others believe to be treason, calls for grave 
decisions. But there are liberals, and I hope to be found 
amongst them, who, faced by the choice between con 
formity on the one hand and the assertion of one's right to 
associate with whom one will, no matter what the penalties, 
would choose to assert their right. For the Christian liberal 
the choice should be simple, being between obedience to 
God and obedience to man, but it will not thereby be made 
easier. And we must face the position soberly that many 
white Christians in South Africa find it easier as time goes 
on, and as the Government becomes more powerful, to 
believe that apartheid and the great commandments can be 
happily reconciled, and that Christ would have approved 
apartheid had he been here. They therefore cease to fight or 
to protest against injustice, because they dare not admit that 
it exists. Furthermore it becomes easier for them to dismiss 
supporters of human rights as subversive and communistic, 

*I recall a tragic case in the Cape Peninsula, where a man, happily married and 
with children, living as a white man, was suddenly declared under die Population 
RjegBiratiQU Act to be coloured. The tragic aspect was that the wife, who had 
been happily married to him for 20 years, in this time of crisis decided to stick to 
her race and not to her husband. An even more tragic* and bitterly ironic, aspect 
was that the children also fied from the father, outraged by what he had done to 
them. Yet they cannot really flee from him, because they are now coloured too, 



or if they do not wish to go that far, as unrealistic and 

Let us return to the topic of the Liberal and parliamentary 
action, that is 9 to the whole question of trying to get 
representatives into ParEament, where they will oppose 
vigorously the policies of the present Government This we 
have accepted as part of our duty, but it certainly raises an 
important problem. By getting into Parliament one hopes at 
least to influence policy, one hopes to influence the progress 
of South Africa from a white-dominated state to a non-racial 
democracy. One must therefore answer the question, 'You 
hope to persuade white South Africa to move from a 
situation in which all political power is in white hands, 
to a situation where all responsible people exercise political 
power. What do you propose as the first move? 5 * 

This in fact is the matter of the franchise, the most 
difficult question confronting any political party that finds 
no solution in apartheid, whether total or of the 'baasskap* 

The Liberal Party, having decided that it had a parlia 
mentary duty, had to express itself on the matter of the 
franchise, and it had to do so at an early stage of its existence, 
when its members were little known to one another, and 
when they were bound together more by their opposition 

*The United Party lias always evaded this issne by dedaiing that non-white 
people are not Interested in franchises but in food and sicker. This is partially true, 
but there are two objections to it, the first being that there is an obvious connec 
tion in South Africa between political power and standard of living, the second 
bong ihat non-white leaders are profoundly interested in the franchise even if 
some are afraid (civil servants, for example) to be so openly. Both. United Party 
and Nationalist Party reply to tMs second objection that the more courageous 
noa-wMte leaders are 'agitators', secondly that they are not representative. All 
leaders of the African National Congress are regarded by die Government as 
being not representative. 



to injustice than by their common championship of any 
political solution. Eventually, in 1953 (very soon after its 
founding) the Party decided to put forward, a qualified 
franchise, independent of race and colour, but dependent 
on education, property, earning power and, failing any of 
these, a record of a decent and industrious Hie; the educa 
tional qualification was made Standard VI. 

This decision was not acceptable to all. There were some 
not many who wanted a MgJier educational qualification; 
there were some who wanted no qualification at all. These 
latter argued that we were not facing any normal situation, 
but a veritable parting of the ways; the choice was not of 
what kind of man was acceptable as a voter, but of what 
kind of man was acceptable as a man. It was not a qualified 
vote that the African was asking for, but to be recognized 
as a man, once and for all. 

Therefore the Party in 1954 declared that universal 
suffrage was its goal, but it continued to recognize that it 
might be necessary to achieve this by stages during a transi 
tional period, dining which there would be qualifications 
*that should apply for the minimum period necessary for a 
smooth transition to universal adult suffrage 9 . 

This policy still frightens many white voters, just as it 
fails to satisfy more radical persons (both inside and outside 
the Party) because of its qualifying clauses. 

Yet in a way this is the inevitable dilemma* of a bridge- 
building party in an apartheid country. 

*There is no organization without Its dilemma, except die totalitarian one 
which allows no choices. The very bringing together of different persons to 
pursue similar aims is productive of dilemiEas. One of the dilemmas of the 
Nationalists is inmiigranon, which could strengthen the white population, but 

would probably also strengthen the United Party. One of the dilemmas of the 
United Party is shown in its slogan 'discrimination with, justice'. One of the 
dilemmas of tie African National Congress is whether to oppose Nationalism 
for the evil it lias done to the African people or whether to espouse a vigorous 
rationalism of its own. 



There are only two other courses open. The first Is to 
retreat to a cautious policy of offering franchise concessions 
to qualified non-white people, In which case one must 
forfeit the trust of their political leaders, and therefore render 
one's work of bridge-building altogether futile. 

The other course Is to leave white South Africa to Its 
own devices, and to Identify oneself solely with non- 
white aspirations. Such a course, unmodified by other 
considerations, does not appeal to Liberals; It not only does 
not appeal to white Liberals, It fails to appeal to non-white 
Liberals also. At all costs we intend to proceed on the 
assumption that there is a valuable group in the white 
population that must not be jettisoned, and we look forward 
to a new South Africa where all groups of the population 
will be represented without discrimination or privilege In 
the activities and councils of the nation. 

There are good grounds for supposing that non-white 
South Africans will never again accept a qualified franchise, 
and that they will accept only a universal franchise (perhaps 
with or perhaps without any stages), and a written con 
stitution embodying a bill of rights and subject to amend 
ment only under the most exacting circumstances. These 
reasons I give now, and they are also excellent reasons why 
a white Liberal should feel It repugnant to put forward a 
qualified franchise. The reasons are that this country has 
had a qualified franchise for over a hundred years, and that 
in respect of Africans and Coloured people the restrictions 
and qualifications have been progressively Increased to the 
point where no one would be surprised to see the franchise 
abolished altogether; while concurrently the franchise 



for Europeans has become less and less qualified; until we 
expect (on authority) to hear of the enfranchisement of 
18-year-olds at any moment.* 

The Cape Colony was given representative government 
in 1853, but by 1887 Rhodes had made it impossible for 
Africans who held land in communal tenure (i.e. tribal 
Africans, often called contemptuously 'blanket kaffirs*) 
to exercise the vote. In 1892 he raised the property qualifica 
tion, and imposed an education test, both of which steps 
had the approval of the first J. EL Hofineyr. In 1909 W. P. 
Schreiner went to England to protest against the unsatisfac 
tory way in which the non-white franchise was to be en 
trenched in the new Act of Union, for he declared the two- 
thirds majority required for any change to be no safeguard 
at all. His fears were justified, for in 1936, as I have already 
pointed out, General Hertzog secured the two-thirds 
majority and removed all African voters to a separate roll, 
with the right to elect three white MJP.s and four white 
Senators, In 1955 Mr. Strijdona manufactured a two-thirds 
majority by enlarging the Senate on undemocratic and 
unprecedented lines and removed the Coloured voters to a 
separate rol. And already from high quarters has come the 
warning that perhaps the Government will soon abolish 
African representation in Parliament altogether. 

How can one again in 1958 propose a franchise of a kind 
which was introduced in 1853, and withered altogether 
away? It is impossible. 

The fear that motivates this whittling away of rights 
is of course understandable. It is the fear that generosity 
or statesmanship of any kind leads sooner or later to 
'swamping*. It is said of course that the fear is really other 
wise; and is rather the fear of imperilling the civilized 

*Tbh has now been done. 



standards of one's society; but it goes deeper than that 
it is the fear of being 'swamped* by a black majority, who, 
however civilized, will seek revenge for past wrongs. 

Will a black majority seek revenge for past wrongs? 
Alternatively, will it adopt repressive policies towards 
white citizens? One can reply to this question with one 
reassiirance 9 that at least a black majority 7 will not have the 
motive that has been behind all the repressive legislation of 
the Nationalists, namely, the fear of being fi swamped*. 

A true liberal does not in fact think in terms of groups, 
he thinks in terms of persons. Is this unpractical, idealistic, 
sentimental, unrealistic? The Liberal thinks it is the only 
way to think if one is working for a non-racial democracy, 

Is this the way to get votes? At Sea Point, Mr. Gerald 
Gordon presented the case for the goal of a universal fran 
chise, and gained the support of 17% of those who voted. 
In other words, 17% of those white people who voted in 
Sea Point were willing to consider living in a society where 
neither privilege nor power will depend on the colour of 
one's skin. 

Will Mr. Gerald Gordon, or any other Liberal, ever win 
Sea Point? That we do not know. But we think it is impor 
tant, no matter what the future may be, to rally those white 
South African forces that are willing to pky their part in a 
new democratic society, whose duties and privileges are 
open to all. 

One last question. Is it really practical or sensible to put 
before a white electorate such an extreme goal as that of the 



universal franchise, even with qualifications? Should one 
not be putting before them a safer and more gradual 
programme, so that one would have a better chance of 
winning a seat, and influencing the councils of Parliament? 

In some other society, no doubt, it is the right thing to 
lead the electorate away from a dangerous course by gentle 
and gradual means. South Africa is not a normal society, 
and there is no time for gentle and gradual means. The 
choice, as I indicated before, is not between revolution and 
gradualism, but between revolution and a massive evolu 

Will we win? We do not knew, but even if we do not, we 
consider that the organizing of liberal opinion now, both 
white and non-white,, must affect the end result. Therefore 
we will continue as long as we are able to perform a 
parliamentary duty. Meanwhile let us proceed to consider 
those duties which are called extra-parliamentary, a word, I 
may add, which has for many white South Africans an 
unjustifiably terrifying sound. 

I shall close this chapter with a brief observation. The 
Nationalist Government of South Africa has made it virtually 
impossible for any opposition to unseat it by parliamentary 
means. But while it has done this, it pretends it has not, and 
takes a stem view of any of its opponents who suggest 
that under the circumstances one is compelled to examine 
extra-parliamentary means. In other words, having made 
the parliamentary game unwinnable for its opponents, it 
insists that they should go on playing it. 

That is why so many white opponents of the Government 
who think of politics as purely a white man's game have 
given up all hope; and having given up all hope, they are in 
danger of supporting, through sheer hopelessness, the very 
Government which took their hope away. 



No white Sooth African can ever hope to oppose the 
Nationalist Government successfully if he upon poli 

tics as only a white man's game, because no one will ever be 
able to play that game better than the Nationalists can play it. 



IT stands to reason that much political activity in South 
Africa cannot be parliamentary at all. Seeing that nearly 
80% of the people have no ordinary franchise, and 
seeing that the Government threatens to abolish, in whole or 
in part, what franchise they have, it is not surprising that 
most of their political activity should be extra-parliamentary. 
It is parties such as the United Party, and pre-eminently the 
Nationalist Party, who want politics to be parliamentary, 
and who tend to regard as subversive any person or organiza 
tion that talks of an extra-parliamentary duty. What is more, 
they are able to pull the wool over the eyes of white people 
elsewhere, who wonder at the absence of non-white persons 
in Parliament, by persuading them that the colour bar is 
not an offensive institution, but a veritable bulwark of 
civilization and democracy. 

Now Afrikaner Nationalism is not in the all-powerful 
position that it appears to be from the parliamentary view 
point It commands the support of only half of the 3,000,000 
white people of the country, and beyond that secures the 
unwilling compliance of 11,000,000 non-white people, some 
of whom have no great political knowledge, but know 
very wel what it means to be pushed around, sometimes 
politely, sometimes with the extreme of cruelty. Of the 
2,500,000,000 people of the outside world, only in places 



such as Kenya, Mississippi Algeria, would any support for 
apartheid be found. 

Afrikaner Nationalism Is well aware of the insecurity of 
Its tenure. Even now, at the very height of Its power, 
Minister Jan de Klerk, speaking at Brits on June 21, 1958, 
said, *We must fight until the bitter and support Mr. 
Strijdom, just as an Aaron and Her of old held the arms of 
Moses aloft.' Mr. de Klerk, proud to be known as 'Blood 
River' de Klerk, Is continually reminding Afrikaners that 
they dare not relax. 

This theme Is only too wel known. Afrikaner National 
ism must have Its enemies even while It fears them. It must 
never feel safe, because then It will cease to be vigilant. 

This has led some of Its opponents to argue that Afrikaner 
Nationalism must never be too strongly opposed, for then 
it will turn and rend Its enemies still more fiercely. This 
argument can be heard in many opposition circles, and 
even In overseas countries; and It has a variation to the 
efiect that the more security Afrikaner Nationalism achieves, 
the more urbane and tolerant It will become. 

This I think Is false. Afrikaner Nationalism will never 
be secure. Its great strength springs solely from its in 
security. But its Insecurity Is not thereby lessened, because 
Its great strength can never be great enough. I am one of 
those who believes that Afrikaner Nationalism* not for want 
of courage but for lack of this ultimate strength* would not 
stand up to any real and sustained challenge to Its baasskap. 
It would, as the British had to do In India, have to adapt 
Itself to new orcumstances. Afrikaner Nationalism must 
therefore be resolutely opposed. 

Liberals would however never wish to destroy the 
Afrikaner people, nor to Interfere with their language, 
nor to prevent the observance of custom and tradition which 



did not involve the pushing of other people around. 
Afrikaner Nationalism has a hard lesson to learn; it must 
survive, as it did in the past, because of its inner strength, 
not because of its protective laws. In the new society we 
envisage every Afrikaner will be given the same protection 
of fundamental human rights as is enjoyed by any other 

Liberalism is not opposed, as some people suppose, to the 
*own~sort-ness* of nationalism, but it is utterly opposed to 
the enforcement of 'own-sort-ness' by the State, which goes 
even to the extent of deciding what the 'own-sort-ness' of 
any person should be, and which prevents a parent from 
having his child educated in the language of his choice. 
Liberalism is opposed to Afrikaner Nationalism, not 
because it seeks to ensure Afrikaner survival, but because it 
seeks to do so at the expense of other groups. Liberalism 
would be utterly false to its ideals if it did not oppose 
Afrikaner Nationalism as embodied in the Nationalist 

There is today in South Africa a great reluctance on the 
part of opposition groups to say or do anything which will 
hurt Afrikaner susceptibilities. This is partly because decent 
people are always care&l of racial generalizations, partly 
because the Afrikaner Nationalist Government is so 
powerful. Bet it is the Afrikaner Nationalist who insists 
that he and his Government are one, and there is no point 
in evading the issue. Afrikaner Nationalists and their 
Government are responsible for apartheid legislation, some 
of which is evil and cruel. Therefore they must be opposed 
by all lovers of freedom, and, seeing that they have en 
trenched themselves parliamentary, they must be opposed 
in other ways. 



The role of the Liberal Party (and of other liberals where 
the role is not party political) is to strengthen at every point 
the opposition to Nationalism. This does not mean the 
formation of a unitary common front, but it does mean a 
common front in so far as opposition to race discriminatioii 
is concerned. What real opposition can there be to Afrikaner 
Nationalism unless it be the opposition of defenders of 
democracy of whatever race or colour? It is here that the 
United Party can never ofier a real opposition to National 
ism, in that it cannot conceive of a co-defence of democratic 
values and of liberty made by white and non-white together. 
That was the weakness of the Torch Commando, which, 
though fighting for the rights of coloured men, would not 
allow coloured men to join the Commando. These para 
doxes are understandable; they are the mark of white South 
Africa, which shrinks from the idea of making common 
cause with any non-white person against a fellow white 
South African. It is a mixture of 'don't quarrel in front of 
the children* and 'don't quarrel in the face of the enemy 9 .* 

In spite of these adverse factors, the cause of multi-racial 
or non-racial democracy has been advanced, and has 
assumed a firmer character in recent years. Such co-operation 
has always existed, but some people today are inclined to 
sneer at the liberalism of earlier times, just as some American 
Negroes are inclined to sneer at Booker Washington. One 
of the pioneers in the modem field was the white Congress 
of Democrats, which was founded in 1952 and which 

*It is one of the great fears of many white defenders of non-white lights that they 

might be compdObd, in case of civil confiagratiaii, to defend themselves against 
those whom they have always championed. 



established firm links with the African National Congress, 
the South African Indian Congress and the Coloured Peoples 
Organization; these formed the 'Congress Movement', and 
It was this movement that was responsible for the holding 
of the Congress of the People in 1955. This Congress pro 
duced the Freedom Charter, a document of human rights of 
a truly democratic character, with the debatable exception 
of a few passages advocating the nationalization of land, 
banks and certain industries, which seemed to necessitate 
a measure of central control not acceptable to liberals. 
The holding of the Congress of the People was a courageous 
action, and was in part responsible for the arrest of many of 
the leading participants on grounds of high treason; 156 
persons were arrested, over sixty were released after the 
preparatory examination, and over ninety face the trial itself, 
which began in August, 1958. 

The Liberal Party itself, though invited at a later stage 
in the arrangements, declined to attend the Congress of the 
People; but it was angered by the arrests, and its National 
Chairman at that time myself-joined such non-party 
personalities as the Bishop of Johannesburg, Judge Lucas 
and Dr. Ellen Hellman in sponsoring a Defence Fund for 
the assistance of those arrested. 

I think it is necessary for a clear understanding of the 
relationship between the Liberal Party and the Congress 
of Democrats to say something about these two bodies, 
co-operation between whom is an important factor in the 
fight against apartheid. It is necessary to understand that they 
pursue separate and independent courses, and that the 
Liberal Party was founded when the Congress of Demo 
crats was already in existence, which seems to show that 
each represents different temperaments and social theories. 
It is not my intention however to take any partisan stand; 



I wish not so much to compare the two bodies as to make 
clear their relationship, because many observers overseas 
find It disconcerting that there should be two separate 
organizations to represent what appears to them to be 
essentially the same view. 

I think It is a fair observation that the nature of the 
liberal attitude itself is one of the mam causes of difference. 
The Congress is more disciplined, and the Party less so; the 
Congress has a more clearly defined opinion and devotes less 
time to discussion and argument; the Congress prefers the 
strength of unity to the riches of diversity. This difference 
is reflected in social theory also, for the Congress attaches 
importance to an efficient state machinery, while the Party 
attaches importance to the freedom of individual persons. 
Some members of the Congress would regard the Party's 
devotion to freedom as cautious and conservative, while 
some members of the Party would regard the Congress's 
espousal of human rights as only a part of a larger strategy. 
That both organizations are haters of race discrimination 
there can be no doubt; but one of them would root out 
race discrimination by a radical reconstruction of society, 
and the other by the distribution of power and the entrench 
ment of rights. These differences seem to cause, or to be 
caused by, or at least to accord with, certain differences of 
temperament that make close co-operation not always easy 
to maintain. But it is clear to me that if this co-operation 
is not maintained, the common cause* genuinely cherished 
by both, will suffer. I might add one more observation, and 
that is that the African and Indian Congresses have been 
able to bring the Congress of Democrats and the Liberal 
Party into a closer relationship more easily than they could 
have done it themselves, and I ascribe this to the fact that the 
African and Indian Congresses contain a wider cross-section 



of views, and are more used to the reconciling of diverse 
elements for the sake of a common goal. 

Nor must one exclude the fact that the Liberal Party 
arrived later in the field than the Congress of Democrats, 
and this in itself caused some difficulty; why did the ally 
arrive late at the battle, and why did he bring another 
banner when he came? 

However the question was is co-operation between 
Liberals and Congressmen possible for the one purpose of 
fighting race discrimination? Progress towards such co 
operation was hastened by the holding of a conference of 
prominent Africans in Bloemfontein in October 1956, 
under the auspices of the Interdenominational African 
Ministers Federation (IJD.A.M.F.) for the purpose of dis 
cussing the Tomlinson Report. This notable conference 
produced some notable documents, from which I make the 
following quotations. 

'This conference does not subscribe to the view that the 
choice before South Africa consists only of two altern 
atives ''ultimate complete integration" or "ultimate 
complete separation between European and Bantu" 
[quotations from the Tomlinson Report]. The Conference 
maintains that a proper reading of the South African 
situation calls for co-operation and interdependence be 
tween the various races comprising the South African 
nation and denies that this arrangement would constitute 
a threat to the survival of the white man in South Africa/ 

And further, 

*This conference is convinced that the present policy 
of apartheid constitutes a threat to race relations in the 
country. Therefore, in the interests of all the people and 
the future of the country, this conference calls upon all 
national organizations to mobilize all people, irrespective 



of race, colour or creed, to form a united front against 
apartheid. 9 

As a first step towards tie establishment of suet a 'united 

front*, the Conference suggested the holding of a further 
conference, embracing all races, as soon as possible. 

From that time onward the Liberal Party, as well as Con 
gressmen and non-Congressmen, the Labour Party, non- 
party liberals and prominent churchmen worked for a 
multi-racial conference, which was held in Johannesburg in 
December 1957. The emphasis of the Conference through 
out was on the multi-racial character of our country, the 
injustice and futility of apartheid, the importance of the 
written constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the franchise 
open to all. The conference was watched throughout by the 
Security Branch of the Police, although the Committee 
would not allow them to enter the hall. The proceedings 
throughout were characterized by dignity and determina 
tion, and differences, whether of temperament or politics, 
were constructively discussed. 

It is part and parcel of the policy of the Liberal Party to 
give its full support to the Multi-racial Conference and to all 
that it stands for. It seems to the Party to be abundantly clear 
that a non-racial society is the only one that offers hope for 
the future, with a constitution guaranteeing basic human 
rights. It, therefore, wil work for the maintenance of the 
Multi-racial Conference, and its support of the Congress 
movement will be expressed in that way, or in any other 
way that ensures support for the same ideals. 

It will be the polcy of the Party to give all possible 



support to the African National Congress (A.N.C.), which 

has pledged Its support to a democratic non-racial society. 
At this point it seems fitting and here I shall avoid any 
improper discussion of the intimate affairs of a friendly 
organization to consider briefly the dilemmas which are 
characteristic of such a body as the A.N.C. 

The A.N.C. is a non-party organization, and therefore 
contains in its ranks at least three sections of opinion. One 
believes that only the radical transformation of society can 
achieve any useful purpose; another believes in the extension 
of the rights and duties of democracy to every adult person 
and entrenchment of those rights; while a third section is 
tempted to oppose Afrikaner Nationalism by African 
nationalism, with a policy of 6 Africa for the Africans' which 
might be interpreted as meaning 'Africa for those who lived 
in Africa before the Europeans and Asians came'. A Liberal 
could endorse only the second of these policies if a choice 
had to be made, and it therefore will be the duty of the 
Party, not to try to disrupt the Congress, but to give its full 
support to those who stand for the extension of democratic 
rights. That indeed is what it already does. 

The Party would find it difficult to support the United 
Party, or even the Federal Party, except on particular issues. 
The fact that both these parties have a colour bar, ideological 
or merely 'realistic', makes close co-operation difficult. In 
any event, the United Party would find support from the 
Liberal Party embarrassing, especially if it persists in its 
mistaken view that it can win more support in the rural 
constituencies; for any association with the Liberal Party 
would be a severe handicap. Closer association with the 
Federal Party is only less difficult; the Federal Party is largely 
an anti-republican body, which believes that only deter 
mined opposition from the English-speaking people of 



Natal can prevent a republic. In conversations with the 
Liberals, the Federal Party maintains that one should fight 
the republic fast, that if necessary one should ensure the 
secession of Natal jirst; only thereafter. It argues, would It 
be sensible to talk of the extension of democratic rights to 
non-white peoples. 

The Liberal Party Is enable to accept this argument, even 
although It can be most persuasively put forward, It argues 
that the Federals, If they ultimately mean to make the 
seceded state of Natal a non-racial state, must say so now. 
It argues that the Federals are Inspired largely by a mil- 
racial pro-British, pro-Commonwealth, pro-Crown senti 
ment, and that this Is no adeqoate foundation for an African 
state. Furthermore the Liberal Party stands unequivocally 
for the rights of Indians to be treated as full citizens, and it is 
aware that the pro-British backers of the Federal Party In 
Natal have never championed the rights of Indians. There 
fore it sees no reason to believe that a seceded Natal would 
be any more liberal than, for example, the City Council of 
the great city of Durban, which lent its full support to the 
evil Group Areas Act, which, seeks, if not the destruction, 
then at least the segregation and Impoverishment of the 
Indian community. 

The Liberal Party attitude to the republic is unequivocal. 
It 'holds that a republc shall not come Into being unless It 
Is the express desire of a majority of all adult persons, 
regardless of race and colour, voting together In a referen 
dum*. It "is opposed to all authoritarian forms of govern 
ment, particularly the republican government as envisaged 
by the 1942 draft constitution* put forward by the Nation 
alist Party. Furthermore the attitude of the Liberal Party 
towards the Commonwealth is also unequivocal. It mam- 
tains that It is In the interests of South Africa as a sovereign 



ndependent state to maintain and safeguard Its ties with the 

Therefore the attitude of the Liberal Party towards the 
Federal Party is plain. It supports the Federal Party in its 
opposition to the republic, not because It opposes the 
establishment of a republic as such, but because it opposes 
the establishment of the race-discriminatory republic that 
the Nationalist Party wants. Its attitude to the United Party 
is also plain; it hopes to attract to its own ranks the more 
liberal members of that party. Should the United Party 
Itself be drawn nearer to the Nationalists, and should it lend 
more and more support to the policies of apartheid, and should 
Its liberal members as a consequence resign or be thrown 
out, then It earnestly hopes that these liberal members 
would see the folly of establishing yet another party between 
the United Party and the Liberals, with the Inevitable but 
absurd policy of 'discrimination with still more justice*. 

The relations of the Liberal Party to the Indian Congress 
have grown closer and closer, largely as a result of the total 
opposition of the Party to the Group Areas Act, and the 
wholehearted acceptance of the Indian community as South 
Africans In the follest sense. I do not suggest that the 
opposition of the Congress of Democrats is any less whole 
hearted; on the contrary the plight of the Indian community 
has proved to be the strongest binding element uniting the 
Party with the Congress of Democrats. 

The defeat of Mr. Alex Hepple and Mr. Leo Lovell, the 
Labour candidates in the 1958 elections, was a great blow to 
the Liberal cause. We wish there could be a closer relation 
ship, even a coalescence, between Liberals and Labour. We 



believe they could educate us in economic affairs, just as we 
believe humbly I hope that we have something to offer 
by virtue of our total rejection of racial discrimination. Our 
respect for the Labour Party members of Parliament was 
unbounded, but it seems that they look for a more 'realistic' 
realignment. They should look for it on the basis of total 
rejection of the colour bar, and they should join us, and add 
to our strength their magnificent gifts. 

Our relations with the South African Coloured People's 
Organization (S.A.C.P.O.) are sketchy, and are largely the 
responsibility of our Cape Division. So far we have neither 
won much Coloured support for Liberalism, which is not 
surprising in view of the wasting away of the coloured 
franchise, nor have we established firm relations with 
S.A.C.P.O. This remains one of the great challenges to the 

There is one other organization that should be mentioned, 
and that is the Non-European Unity Movement (N.E.U.M.) , 
a largely Coloured organization, which, under the impact of 
countless rebuffs and rejections, rejects in its turn any co 
operation with organizations with which white people have 
anything to do, and whose members try to maintain what is 
almost impossible in South Africa, namely the abstention 
from almost every human activity, except one in which 
they can fully participate. It is a boycott organization on 
the grand scale, and certainly does not reject suffering as an 
integral element in such boycotting. But such suffering is 
not remedial, and does great damage to personality, espec 
ially when the suffering, though not rejected, is resented. 
Here again we touch on the profound problem of the 
relationship of politics to temperament and experience. The 
opposition of the N.E.U.M. extends to the Congresses also, 
and they have angrily obstructed the Indian Congress 



campaign against the Group Areas Act, because the Con 
gress collaborated with the Liberal Party. How I wish that 
the NJE.U.M. could overcome this bitter isolationism, and 
could overcome their prejudice against the white skins of 
the arrogant f herrenvolk y , and co-operate with other anti- 
Nationalist forces! 



IF one thing should have emerged from this essay it is 
this. There is nothing stable about the South African 
political situation. It has its moments of apparent calm 
but, underneath, rages a torrent, driven this way and that 
by a host of conflicting currents and pressures. The sources 
of the torrent and its diverse currents He far back in the 
history of South Africa's people. And, as I have stressed, 
without some knowledge of this past there can be no under 
standing South Africa's present and no planning for its future. 

What is that future to be? Nobody can tell. For anyone 
of a liberal persuasion, that future can only be worthwhile 
if it produces a society in which men can live freely, secure 
in the knowledge that all those rights which touch most 
closely upon their everyday lives are safeguarded. 

How will Liberals try to guide South Africa's footsteps 
towards this desirable future? 

They will have to confront the intellectual total apartheid 
Afrikaners, some of whom are quite honest in their self- 
deception, with the total impracticability of their pipe- 
dream. They will have to confront them with the endless 
cruelties which the preparations for the apartheid state already 
inflict on African, Indian and Coloured people. 

They will have to persuade white opponents of the 



Nationalist regime that they have no hope whatsoever of 

defeating this Government merely by opposing it every 

five years at elections whose results are foregone conclusions. 
The Nationalists can only be beaten by a large and well- 
organized non-racial opposition. It is in such an opposition 

that all anti-Nationalists should be found, however difficult 
some of them may find it to take the first, far-reaching step. 

White South Africans must continually be reminded of 
the fact that they can expect no privileged position for their 
children in the future. Their great fear is that the wheel will 
torn full circle and that black privilege will replace white. 
Somehow they must be wakened to the fact that their 
present intransigence is the most likely cause of what they 
fear most. Somehow they must be made to realize that they 
have much more to gain than they can possibly lose by 
getting rid of the colour bar once and for all. It is Liberals 
who must bring them to their senses. 

The Liberal Party will have to persuade South Africa 
black and white that a non-racial democracy is a practical 
proposition and that it can work. It can best hope to do so if 
it can produce, within the body of its own organization, 
a forerunner of that society it strives for. And it can only do 
that convincingly by building up its own membership and 
organization and by spreading the range of its influence so 
widely that no South African can afford to ignore its existence 
and the pressure of its presence. It will have to do this in the 
face of a Government whose policy it is to make inter-racial 
contact more and more difficult and which would like to make 
inter-racial politicalcontactinipossible.Itisatough assignment 
and no Liberal underestimates the threatening challenge of 
Dr. Verwoerd. To him inter-racial association is anathema. 
To the Liberal it is the very lifeblood of the society which 
he knows must be evolved in South Africa if conflict is to 



be avoided. All that he hopes Is that he will be ready to 
meet this challenge when it comes. Because, if he is not, 
the chance to draw potential African Nationalists from the 
dark and gloomy passages of race exclusiveness into the 
wider, brighter corridors of multi-racialism, may be lost. 
The hope for massive evolutionary change in South Africa 
will have been thrown away and only revolution will 

I have said that South African Liberals do not under 
estimate the challenges which face them. I have suggested 
that, on their ability to meet them, may depend the survival 
in South Africa, and perhaps even in sub-Saharan Africa, 
of those fundamental values which are sometimes called 
'Christian*. But the challenge is not only to South African 
Liberals and to South African Christians. The challenge 
faces everyone outside South Africa who cherishes those same 
values. Every possible support must be given to those in 
South Africa -who today strive to find a way towards a 
society in which baasskap and privilege and senseless dis 
crimination will be skeletons of the past. South Africa's 
strategic position and her vast resources of vital raw 
materials shrink into insignificance beside the question of how 
she solves her racial problems. The people of the outside 
world will be judged, in the eyes of South African leaders of 
the future, on how they measure up to this challenge in 
the next few years. Let the West take note. 

To sum up, therefore, we see the role of the Liberal 
Party as a supporter of the multi-racial and non-racial front, 
particularly the Multi-Racial Conference, as a collaborator 



of the Congress movement in all opposition to racial dis 
crimination, as a supporter of all those who believe in a 
non-racial democracy, as an exposer of the total-apartheid 

myth, as a home for United Party liberals who have been 
rejected, as a believer in spite of the omens in the possi 
bility of evolutionary change, as an opponent of all forms of 

exclusive nationalism, as an upholder of constitutional 
government and the rule of law, and above all as a defender 
of man against totalitarian authority, indeed as a defender of 
those inalienable human rights which are the concern of 
liberals in every country of the world. 



i. Estimated Population 1958 African 9 2/3 million 

European 3 

Coloured 11/3 

Indian 2/5 

Total 14 2/5 million 

2. Prime Ministers of the Union of South Africa 

1910-1919 General Louis Botha: leader of the South 
African Party, standing largely for reconcilia 
tion between Briton and Afrikaner. 

1919-1924 General Smuts: on the death of Botha made 
leader of the South African Party, which now, 
menaced by the growth of General Hertzog's 
Nationalist Party, absorbed the largely English- 
speaking Unionist Party. 

1924 General Hertzog: leader of the Nationalist 
Party, came to power with the aid of the 
largely English-speaking Labour Party. 
1933 General Hertzog joined forces with General 
Smuts and became leader of the new United 
Party. Dr. Malan led the break-away National 
ist Party. 



1939 General Smuts defeated General Hertzog on a 
motion calling for active intervention by 
South. Africa in the Second World War, and 
became the new Prime Minister and leader of 
the United Party, General Hertzog died soon 

1948 Dr. Malan and his Nationalist Party came to 

1952 Mr. Strijdom became Prime Minister and new 
leader of the Nationalist Party on Dr. Malan's 

1958 Mr. Strijdom died on August 24, and was 
succeeded by his most extreme supporter, 
Dr. F, H. Verwoerd. The change in premier 
ship does not disturb, but gives added force 
to the closing arguments of the book. 


AFRICANS, i, 28, 29, 85; church ser 
vices ban, 48, franchise, 67; Hfe in 
Reserves, 32; Parliamentary repre 
sentation, 68 

African National Congress, 42, 43, 44, 
65*3, 76, 77, 80; election strike, 49-50 

Afrikaners, 14, 26, 29, 33, 40, 52; and 
anglicization, 24; and Bantu, 16; 
enmity to Bantu and Britain^ 21; 
relations with British, 35, 37, 38, 
39; and Nationalist Party, 61 

Afrikaner nationalism, 3, 28, 37-8, 39, 
51, 52, 61, 72-5, 80 

Algoa Bay, n 

American Imperialism, 21 

Apartheid, 2, 20, 27, 40, 41, 42, 43, 
47, 49, 50, 52, 53-4, 5, 63, 64, 65, 
66, 76, 78, 79, 82, 85; support of 
outside world, 723 

Appellate Court, 43, 46 

BACAS, 31 

Bantu, 21 ; Authorities Act, 42; Educa 
tion Act, 23, 45; Urban Authorities 
Act, 43 

Bezuidenhout, Frederick, 24 

Bill of Rights, 79 

Black Circuit, 22 

'Black Sash*, 46 

Bloemibntein, 43 ; Convention, 30, 33; 
Conference, 78 

Blood River, Battle o 28, 29, 30 

Boers, 14, 31; angEdTing, 36; and 
British Government, 20, 25; and 
British, 32; GraafF Reinet, 17, 20; 
SweHendam, 17, 20; war on Great 
Britain, 35; Xosas, 16 

Botha, General Louis, 36, 37, 38, 39 

British Bechuanaland, 34 

Bushmen, 12, 16 



Cape of Good Hope, The, n, 12, 
13, 17, 20, 21 ; equality of men, 
22; franchise, 37, 68; population, 

Cape Town, 13, 15, 16, 43, 48 
Century of Wrong, 20, 24, 35, 37 
Colonists, 24; Grahamstown and Port 

Elizabeth founded, 24 
Coloured Community, attitude to 
Liberalism, 83-4; to whites, 49; 
franchise, 67; organization, 76; 
political representation, i, 2; separa 
tion from whites, 13 ; voting, 43, 44, 
48, 61, 68 
Communism, 21 
Congress of the People, 46, 76 
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 44 


Democrats, Congress o 43, 75, 76-9 

Departure from the Union Regulation 

Diaz, Bartholomew, n 

Dingaan, King of the Zulus, 28, 31 

Discrimination with Justice, 4 

Donges, Dr., 41 

Drake, Sir Francis, n 

Duncan, Patrick, 43 

Duplessis, L. J., Professor, 58 

Durban, 41, 50, 81 

D'Urban, Sir Benjamin, 25 

Dutch East India Company, n, 14, 15, 
17; methods, 12-13 

Dutch Reformed Church of South 
Afnca, 9, 39, 48; and Bantu Edu 
cation Act, 45; missionary work, 


EDUCATION, Adams College, 23, 47; 
Aftikaans-medium schools, 39, 61; 
animus against missionaries, 23, 45; 
banning of private schools, 45; 
Christian Education Movement, 42; 
Methodist Kilncrton College, 23; 
Minister of, 41, -P. 45 " racial separa 
tion in universities, 47-8, 61; St. 
Peter's College, 23 

Electorate, 52-3, 70; African voters, 
<5x, 68 ; ban on non-white JVLP.s, 37; 
Coloured representation, 2; Col 
oured voters, 61, 6S; elections and 
stay-at-home strike, 48, 49-50; un 
derloading and overloading, 37, 39, 
6 1 ; white South African opinion, 3 

Holland, 9, 12, 16, 17; and language, 

Hottentots, 12, 13, 14, id, 22, 23, 24 

25; Eva's marriage to white, 13, 23 

Huguenots, 13 


Indians, 40, 41, 81; group areas, 50; 

poBtically unrepresented, 1-2; trade, 

Indian Congress, 42, 43, 46, 76, 77, 

82, 83 

Industrial Conciliation Act, 44 
Interdenominational African Minister's 

Federation, 78-9 

FEBEBAL PARTY, 44, 80-1, 82 

50th Ordinance, 25 

First World War, 38 

Fischer, Abraham, 36 

Fish River, 16, 25 

Fitzherbert, Captain, II 

Fort Hare University Transfer Bil, 47 

Politic, Jople, 38 

Free Church of Scotland, 9 

Freedom Charter, 46, 47 

GAMA, Yasco da, n 

Ghana, 22 

Gordon, Gerald, 4, 69 

Great Britain: Boer War policy, 35; 
occupation of Cape, 21, 22; and a 
common society, 52; end of im 
perialism, 21, 36; in India, 73; 
missionaries, 22, 23 ; negropHles, 21 ; 
Sixth Kaffir War policy, 25 

Great Trek, 9, 15, 26, 27, 32 

Group Areas Development Act, 41, 
46, 48, Sz, 84; in Durban, 50; Bill, 

HELIMAN, Dr. Men, 76 

Hepple, Alex, M.P., 4* 82 

Herodotus, 10 

Hertzog, General, I, 36, 38, 39, 61, 68 

High Court of Parliament Act, 43 

Hofineyr, J. H., 39, 40, 52 

Hofineyr, J. H. (senr.), 68 

JAMES I, of England, n 

Jameson Raid, 34 

Jansen, Dr., 42 

Johannesburg, 34, 41, 45; City Council, 


Johannesburg, Bishop o 76 
John, King of Portugal, n 


Karroo, 14, 15 
Keet, Professor B. B., 3, 54 
Kei River, 25 
King, Dick, 31 
Klerk, Jan de, 49, 73 
Kniger, Paul, 26, 33, 34, 35; changed 
voting qualifications, 34 

PASTY, 4, 5, 38, 49, 79 

liberalism, 58; *anti* feeling of whites, 
7; hope for, 5; meaning of word, 6; 
and nationalism, 46, 75 5 and religion, 

liberal Party, and apartheid, 54, 55-6, 
60; attitude to Afrikaner, 73-5; 
support for African National Con 
gress, 80; and Commonwealth, 81; 
Congress of Democrats, 76, 77, 78, 
79; Congress of the People, 76; 
Federal Party, 80-1 ; franchise, 65-6, 
69-70; freely attended meetings, 50, 
63 ; fundamental freedoms, 7, 58 j 
General Election and strike, 49, 50; 


human rights, 64; Indian Congress, 
84; Indians' rights, 82; inter-racial 
association, 58, 62, 64; Multi-racial 
Conference, 79, 87; no discrimina 
tion, 67, 87; *own-sortness', 8, 74; 
parliamentary duty, 59, 62, 65; 
policy for South Africa's future, 85, 
87-8; the Republic, 82; relation 
with South African Coloured 
People's Organization, 83; United 
Party, 80; white supremacy, 60 

Lovell, Leo, M.P., 4, 82 

Lucas, Judge, 76 

Lutholi, Griqua, ex-Chief, 44, 58 

MC CRONE, Professor, 53?* 
Majuba, Battle of, 33 
Maian, Dr., i, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46 
Matthews, Professor Z. K., 58 
Maynier, Landdrost, 17 
Meerhof, van, 13, 23 
Milner, Lord, 15, 35, 36 
Mixed Marriages Act, 41 
Multi-racial Conference, 79, 87 
Multi-racial Church Conference, 45 

PLETTENBERG, van, Governor, 16, 17 

Pondos, 31 

Population Registration Act, 41, 46; 

marriage break-up, 64?! 
Pretorius, Andries, 28 
Public Safety Act, 43 

QUEEN ADELAIDE, Province of, 25 

RAND, 42 

Religion, 8, 15, 16; Anglican Church, 
21, 48; Bantu Education Act, 45; 
Catholics and schools, 47; Christians 
and apartheid, 64; Dutch Reformed 
Church, 9, 45, 48; missionary ac 
tivity, 22, 23; Multi-racial Church 
Conference, 45; no equality, 40 

Reserves, 2, 31, 32 

Resistance Movement, 43, 44 

Relief, Pieter, 26, 27, 28 

Rhodes, Cecil, 15, 34, 35, 68 

Rhodesia, 34, 35, 53 

Riebeeck, van, 13 

Rondebosch, 12 

NATAL, ii, 28, 31, 81; Government, 
2; Provincial Council, 45; Univer 
sity, 8n; Nationalist Party, i, 38, 39, 
49, 44, 49, 60, 6l, 66n, 72, 81, 82; 
African nationalism, 49, 80, 87; and 
franchise, 65*1, 68, 72; government, 
32, 38, 42, 61-2, 69, 70-1, 85 

Native Administration Act, 50 

Native Affairs, Minister of, 42, 48, 50, 

Native Laws Amendment Act, 48 

Natives (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act, 

Necho of Egypt, 10 

Nehru, Pandit, 21 

Niekerk, van, 32 

Non-European Unity Movement, 83-4 

Nursing Act, 48 

Nyasaland, 28 

ORANGE FREE STATE, 2, 31, 33; 

British colony, 35; self-government, 

SAIDANHA, Antonio de, n 

Sand River Convention, 30, 33 

Schreiner, Mr. Justice, 46 

Schreiner, W. P., 68 

Second World War, 39 

Senate Act, 46 

Separate Amenities Act, 44 

Separate Development, 3 

Separate Representation of Coloured 
Voters Act, 43, 46 

Separate University Education Bill, 

Shaka, King of the Zulus, 28, 31 

Shilling, Captain, n 

Sixth Kaffir War, 25 

Slagters Nek, 34, 38 

Slavery, 20, 22; emancipation, 25; 
Negro and Malayan, 13 

Smuts, Field-Marshal J. C., I, 20, 36, 
39, 40, 42, 52 

Somerset, Lord Charles, 24 

Sophiatown, 45 

South Africa, 2, 53, 58, 70; English- 
speaking South Africans, 28; Euro- 



pean franchise, 67-8; flag of Orange, 
38; general political situation, 85-7; 
Ghana, 22; political activity of 
wMtes, 65, 75; and Protectorates, 
30, 44; racial, relationships, 13, 27, 
SS-6; revolution or evolution, 58-9; 
slavery, 13; and Statute of West 
minster, 38, 42; unification, 36; 
World Wars, 38, 39 
South. African Bureau of Racial Afiairs, 

South African Coloured Peoples 

Organization, 83 
Soutb-West Africa, 41; dispropor 

tionate representation, <5i; first 

elections, 42 

Statute of Westminster, 38, 42 
Steenkamp, Anna, 27 
Strijdom, J. S., i, 27, 41, 46, 61, 68, 73 

Suppression of Communism. Act, 42 


Tomlinson Commission, The, 47, 


Torch Commando, 42r-3, 44, 75 
Trade Unions, 41 
Transvaal, 2 S 15, 26, 30, 33 34, 35 "> 

annexation, 33; attitude to rada! 

questions 40; British, colony, 35; 

Rising, 33 ; self-government restored, 


United Nations, 21, 40-1 

United Party, I, 39* 4O 4*. 44. 45* 
48-9, 53, 72, 80, 82, 88; and fran- 
cMse, 6511; opposition to nationalism, 
75; poKcies, 4, 60, 66 


Vereeniging, Treaty oC 35 
Verwoerd, Dr. F. H., 27, 42, 43, 45> 4 

50, 57, 58, S6 

Voortrekkers, 26, 27-8, 31; Monu- 
ment, 29 

N, Dr. Charles, 47 
Washington, Booker, 75 
Waterboer, Grigua es-CMef, 33 
Weenen, 28 

Witwatersrand, discovery of gold, 34; 
University, 48, 53*1 

XOSA, 16, 22, 25